Saturday, June 9, 2007

Alreety Alrighty Alrooty (to quote Lythande)

I agree with Molly on the whole Yaoi thing. By the way, I do knit, thank you very much Miss Molly-whose-middle-name-I-won't-mention-for-fear-of-Texas Ryan. And I'll have you know that there is nothing offensive about it. Jeeze.

Herbal teas are wonderful. You should try them sometime Joe. Really, it might do you some good.

Well then, Victor, in response to your comment, I shall leave you alone. ^_^ But do keep commenting because I find it very amusing indeed.

LYTHANDE!! SIT DOWN ON YOUR ALREADY LAZY (but apparently not lazy enough) ASS AND POST, DAMN IT ALL!!!

I feel better.

So how's everybody doing?

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