Friday, June 22, 2007

Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly

K, now all you have to do is imagine Austin Powers saying that in the kind of voice he used when he was saying "moley moley moley" in Gold Member, and it's all good.

Of course I'm a freak. We all know this.

And Victor, your comment is mostly correct. We girls do, yes, and no, nobody but the shrink people that nobody else understands understands it, but in that only to a certain extent. ^_^

*sighz* I can't wait to see you tomorrow Molly!! (okay, I have to admit that everytime I say your name, I want to do that whole Austin Powers thing - just saying "Molly" as opposed to "Moley". What a strange world we live in.)

Luv all ya lots!!

Oh, and somebody please tell me how to break up with Mat......^_^


Vintik said...

Uhm. Well I don't spend hours trying to figure out whats 100% correct. Thanks.

Stilts said...

Lol! I love you Victor, just for that. I wonder - do you read other comments, or just the main posts?

Vintik said...

I sometimes read other comments, I read other comments on the stuff I've commented on.

bambooferret said...

We sould just use the little comment box as a blog and then Victor would post...

Stilts said...

I agree with you Molly. How about Victor? Would you do it then?

Vintik said...

Ahhh i'm so lost >.> I'm dead >.> ignore me. Ahhh. You dooo NOoot see dead people :)

Stilts said...

No, I don't, but that's only because I am dead people.