Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wasabi, my little cream tarts?

God's waiting room? If you say so. Personally, I had quite a blast. Sorry I didn't post at all like I said I would when I left. There just wasn't any time. We were rushed from one thing to the next. Ask Molly - she called me while I was there. Wacko.

Anyway, Molly is more of the badass. I'm the little idiot person who sits in the corner, sipping her tea with her knees pulled in tight so nobody trips over me. I just sip my tea and sit watching, all hunched over trying not to be noticed whilst Molly pommels the morons that used her middle name. *sighz* Apparantly, a lot more people like Texas than I realized....Oh well. It's all good.

So how are the lives - or the whatevers you guys have in place of the lives that you don't have - going? I hope things are just fruity behind your popsicle stands.

Oh, and a side note on the yaoi thing, of course they're lonely!!! Jeeze. Just 'cause they managed to find some other gay anime guy (which is not hard) doesn't mean that they aren't still lonely. I really don't know how that works...You'll have to ask Lythande. She made it work....

1 comment:

Vintik said...

Just face it everyone. Girls like gay guys. I don't get it. They don't get it. Psychologists get it. No-one gets them.