Thursday, November 22, 2007

The other two

Sailor moon that shows ancient havent watched it in years, not that i used to watch it our anything *cough* just that i havent seen it while flipping through the channels. though i havent seen a good japanese cartoon in ages, i miss the dumb sexually enthusiastic hero and the faces they'd make.
any1 got any suggestions on good ones?

also where are the other 2 that contribute to this enlightening chat?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Okay, so I'm moving back out into the actual posts. Forget the comments for now. Anyway. Jess-O just drove me around all day so I could collect, fill out, and return applications for a second job. I really hope I get to work at the movie theater. That would be fun. Cheap, but fun. She's totally my hero. She's currently sitting next to me eating custard, ice cream, and peach pie. We smuggled the custard powder back from New Zealand 'cause they don't have it over here. Ah well. I'm gonna go watch Sailor Moon. I used to be obsessed with that when I was little, and someone put it on YouTube and it showed up and I've just been watching it. Lame huh? I still like it. I watched the last episode first. That always makes life easier. Like reading the last page of a book, you know what's going to happen.

Okay, actually, I'm going to watch Bill Engvall. He's on tv right now. Ciao!!

Love you all! Somebody ELSE write something will you?!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Senior Year

Ya, we have graduation parties and stuff for our last year, but generally nothing that exciting.

I considered writing lines on my hand, but I knew I'd look too obvious looking at it. Plus I move my hands a lot when I talk, so the audience would have seen it.

My skype names are "stilts" and "stilts2" How's that for inventive? I sent another invite, so we'll see if you get that one.

Anyways - where is everyone? This is drivin' me nuts!!

So You Messed Up?

so you messed up your lines? you should've written some lines on your palms. works better.

i havent got your invite so i cant accept, whats your name maybe i can attempt to find you. it shouldnt be too hard to find me im the only guy in malta, probably the whole world with my name im that unique ok.

so you guys are in your last year of school right? do you do something special or you just treat it as any other end?

Saturday, November 10, 2007


The play was so crazy much fun!! The first night, the crowd was kind of lame, and I forgot a few lines, but I just ad-libbed and it worked out really well. Last night was so funny. It was just great. We managed to turn the first two acts of a fairly serious play into a sort of comedy. It was totally awesome, and everybody loved it! Anyway.

Thanks to Molly, we missed out on the 150 thing 'cause she's a pain like that (though I still love you. How are the ears, by the way?). But maybe, at some point we can celebrate or whatever. Joe, you need to accept my Skype request.

Whatever. I gotta go finish cleaning and get ready to go to pep band. Ciao!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bringing the Light


Molly, you are a freak. And you amaze me. So the play is in two days. I don't even know half my lines, and I didn't go to dress rehearsal tonight because I wanted to just kill someone and I had to get away.

People all around are going crazy. I will be so happy when Thanksgiving break comes and my mind can stop whirling around like I'm on drugs or something insane. Joe, I am so adding you to Skype right now. Woot. Now all you have to do is accept my invitation. I never knew you had Skype. Bum.

Whatever. I'm going to finish watching American Idol 2007, and then go to bed.

Seriously insane. And yes. The creepy guy thing? No kidding. Just so you know, you-know-who is out. He paid his bail and waived his right to a preliminary hearing and now we have to go in and talk about what we think should happen to him with the DA. Fun fun.


Sunday, November 4, 2007


*tumble weed rolls by* guys wheres everyone, its so quite and soo lonely come show me the light and say something.