Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Woot! Woot! And a really big bus

Doo Dah Doo Dah doo doo doo do dee dododo, dee doo dee doo dah deeeeeeee

Miss Fluffy Queen of the lots of things while I was in NZ, you amaze me. I shall have to post my little buffalo - or, rather, my pink fluffy high maintenance buffalo - story when I am finished with it. It's amazing the thoughts that come into your mind whilst sitting among a bunch of fifteen year olds and an old lady teaching driver's ed (sad, I know) who doesn't know what a 3 point turn is.....

Dearest Kayla, whenever you want coffee, by all means let me know and I shall bring you some. I have French Vanilla cappuccino, French Roast, Folgers (and do not tell me that's the best part of waking up because it really just ruins your whole day. Folgers is disgusting. You take a sip, are revolted entirely by its grossness, and then you think all day about how horrible and vile that sip of wannabe coffee really was. You ponder destroying the people that lied to you and tricked you into drinking it by saying that it really was the best part of waking up and paying those people big bucks to pretend it actually smelled good - and you know it wasn't Folgers in those cups of coffee they were actually drinking from.), a dark roast which is particularly nice with about 1c of creamer in it, and a couple of others I don't remember and don't care to look for. But honestly, just let me know if you ever need coffee. The rest of you are screwed so don't even ask. I am so not walking that far.

There's an orange cat sitting out the window eating the cat food that wasn't intended for it specifically right now. It looks all skinny and diminished, so I shall let it enjoy its marvelous feast of icky jellymeat from Friskies (which you know a man came up with).

I'm gonna go pretend I have a life and study for my test tomorrow (since I failed the first time around) so I can get my permit. So sad that I am 17 and only just now getting a permit.....god I'm pathetic....

I love you all

In case you were wondering.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Okay, so I'm really tired right now, but I'm not that sleepy. Plus I really REALLY want coffee!!! Plus I'm bored out of my fucking mind, so I decided I would annoy you guys with my sleepless ranting and ravings. I posted earlier tonight (not that I really NEED to tell you that, you should know by the date on the post) But boredom is a part of all of our worlds apparently, because you can see it in past postings. And now, I will recite a poem:

There once was a cat named Jake,
One day he played with a rake,
The rake fell on his head,
And now poor Jake's dead,
Well that serves him right
He shouldn't jump on the bed
He blew out the light
Man his owner turned red
Butter is cool,
and the truck driver sped
but not before on his bread did he spread
that icky butter that's all full of lead
That poisoned the dog
along with the hog
and the creepy old turtle
down by the bog
coffee is cool
coffee is great
coffee bean and water
went out on a date
I'm all out of rhymes
you guys must be sad
I have no more words
that's all that I had
And now I will head
upstairs to my bed
I will turn out the light
and to you I say good night.

Oh hell yes, I could be the next Doctor Freakin' Suess!!! Okay, well I have to go now. I really am tired. I think I posted enough for tonight(bet you wish you hadn't invited me back huh...;P ) That's it for tonight, join us again tomorrow morning for good morning Colorado at 6:00. I'm Kayla Sharee, signing off!!!

Your Bio daddy?!

Sarah, I'm glad you didn't join the Navy. I woulda missed my bestiest friend!(no offense to the rest of you guys.....)Okay, why all of the sudden is Gary deciding to communicate now? What happened to the other 16 and a half YEARS of your life? Well, I'd say it's okay to talk to him over the net, but I personally wouldn't go much farther than that. But that's just me.

Joe, I'm very sorry about your exams. That sucks rocks.

Victor, I'm sorry, I do know who you are. It didn't occur to me that you were Sarah's friend off the net until after I wrote the blog. My sincerest apologies. *curtsy* Will you forgive me?*sad but adorable puppy eyes*........Anyway, what the hell is going on with everybody? I'm fine, but that's just me. I'm oblivious to the rest of the world........okay, um.......random question to get a conversation going....why is it that when it's all cloudy and rainy (like it is right now, it's pouring cats and dogs) people get all depressed, well most of them, but they always wait for it to rain just for the smell? Huh, huh, HUH? Okay, I'm side tracking into another universe, so I'm just going to post this now.

And for the Following....

KAYLA!! OH MY FREAKIN' GOD (or in Molly's case, Goddess....or whatever)!!! I CAN'T BELEIVE MINE EYES!!! That's pretty cool that you finally decided to show up. And don't worry, I won't tell anybody that I helped you get back into the site and blog over the phone. Your secret is safe with me!!!

Joe - I am going to take what you said about the Navy as a really big compliment. ^_^ Sucks about your exams though...bummer babe.

Okay, so I'm totally gonna tell you all a secret that will send me straight to my grave if you mention it to anyone outside this blog. My bio-daddy Gary has been e-mailing me and asking me for my address. I'm not going to to give it to him, obviously, but still. Any thoughts? Comments? Just DON'T TELL MY MOTHER. I will be slain instantly by the dragon that isn't a dragon, and as much as some of you might find that amusing (which I can understand, by the way - I would too and I'm the one being eaten...), it is still not such a bueno thing.

Anyway, would anybody mind if I invited my cousin to the blog? No? Wonderful.

Gots-ta go and pretend I can sleep since it is, after all, half past midnight. I'll talk to you all later!!

Love ya kiddos ^_^

Thursday, July 26, 2007

An Idea

Well i've been out enjoying my summer but i got my results of my exams so now i need to start studying for my exams in september so im pretty much fucked.

Well sarah it's good you ddint join the navy cause you wouldn't fit in over there your too....you for the navy.

how's the website going you guys got any of the videos uploaded to i can birghten up my day knowing im not as bored as you people :P

we should get together on the internet and have a full blown conversation imagine to creative shit that will come out in that.


Okay, so I haven't posted since like the same week this blog was created. But I've SOOOO busy you know............okay not really. I kind just forgot my password........go ahead and laugh, I really don't give a shit. So, Molly, I love the name of your yeti, Joe, herbal tea freakin' rocks so you better not diss it, and I don't really know the other people in the blog at this point except Lythande. Hey Lythande, what's up. So yeah, here I am. doodle-oo-doo-dee-dum-um-um-um...........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In the land where I was born

A great many things happened, a lot of people died, I became president and wiped out my entire country (single-handedly, I might mention). Anyway, so I didn't join the Navy yesterday. I was gonna, but then I figured I needed to wait. So anyway...how are you all? Nobody else has written in forever..


Love you all sincerely and dearly ^_^ kisskiss

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hey you hobos!!!

Woot woot!! So how's life? Livin' livin' livin. Hey - Miss Molly, Luke has been doing some seriously freakin' hilarious stuff that I've been taping and he wants me to put it on our website. Something like a duo or something. I thought it would be an intersting little ting to do (going for an accent of sorts). Anyway, I gotta go fill out a ting-uh-mah-jeeg for de oo-es to change ma nahm on ma Resideint alien card to Loffhagen.

Wow I'm bored.....

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Crazy Girl With No Life

Wow - so I'm going nuts. Mummy and Daddy really really really really want me to join the Navy, and at this point, I might......hmmmm

Anyway, this dancey singey acty whatevery the helly it ends up being......eee....is gonna be so much freakin' fun. It is my entire ability - or lack thereof - to stand on two feet (or just one - in which you are right in saying I can't - ergo the hopping) that is going to make us famous. Or at least make me very much laughed at, which works just as well and keeps me happy. *sighz* Anyway.

My mind is not so funny and creative right now, so I apologize for the boringness of this post.

Molly I totally look forward to the Zumba in twelve hours and I finally watched the damn shoes video on You Tube - as well as some 20 minute Mario thing that was freakin' hilarious. Now we have to find the video with Jim Carrey and Will Ferrel and the hot tub. This should be interesting.....

Friday, July 6, 2007

Things Starting With A

Ok i'm not sure weather to laugh or get scared cause seeing sarah dance is like the first 15 minutes of saving private ryan a pure massacre. if i was you molly i'd stay as far away from her as possible cause sarah cant even stay up on 2 feet let alone 1.
and ideas for what on how sarah can embarass herself even more then she already does? thats kind of hard cause she just seems to do it naturally.

also how dare you call me uncreative i have a very creative imagination it doesnt get used very much cause its normally focused on other things but when i use it right it does produce some good results.

hmm things starting with A used to describe sarah tough choice

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Guess what? Chiken gizzard. Alright, so Sarah and I have decided to make a video blog/website so that we can show Sarah's amazing talent- STUPIDITY! Yes, shocking I know..... I didn't know she could be stupid either and then I saw her do the one legged ballet hop thing that she described in her blog below...... AND THEN I saw her interpretive dancing (yes, that makes me giggle just thinking about it..) which changed my life forever, and I've decided to invest in a video camera, after all, we are doing a great dis-service to the rest of the miserable world by not showing them how insanely pitiful Sarah's dancing can be. So, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to shout them out.... and by anyone I mean ALL three of us who ever use this blog.....

The website will be:
But don't go there now because you'll be sent to my youtube page, which has nothing on it. Its just temporary!!!

Hello children

Okay, Joe? Where the hell did those names come from? I'm so totally impressed! I thought that post was from Lythande when I read it until I saw your name at the bottom. Way crazy. I loved the names though! I like the combination, Molly, by the way.

I do not have an obsession with Mike Meyers, thank you very much. It just came to my mind at the moment. I do that quiet a lot. Ask Molly. Random thoughts pass through my mind and then I either say them or act them out - as she knows with my soon-to-be-famous one foot hopping jumpy wannabe ballet(ish) move (the actual title of the move that I sort of impaired with my version starts with an "a", but I can't spell it). You'll soon find out what I mean. *sighz* Soooooo anyway.....

Molly, I am happy that you have a job and all so now you come to New Zealand with us, but dammit all - why does it have to be from noon to nine? Now I only ever get to see you in the weekends!!! Meanie. Oh, and I'm going to the movies with Maron again on Friday. Any tips? Anyone? Anyone?