Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Crazy Girl With No Life

Wow - so I'm going nuts. Mummy and Daddy really really really really want me to join the Navy, and at this point, I might......hmmmm

Anyway, this dancey singey acty whatevery the helly it ends up gonna be so much freakin' fun. It is my entire ability - or lack thereof - to stand on two feet (or just one - in which you are right in saying I can't - ergo the hopping) that is going to make us famous. Or at least make me very much laughed at, which works just as well and keeps me happy. *sighz* Anyway.

My mind is not so funny and creative right now, so I apologize for the boringness of this post.

Molly I totally look forward to the Zumba in twelve hours and I finally watched the damn shoes video on You Tube - as well as some 20 minute Mario thing that was freakin' hilarious. Now we have to find the video with Jim Carrey and Will Ferrel and the hot tub. This should be interesting.....


Vintik said...

Do NOT join the navy. You are really gonna be in on it if you do. Trust me whatever support they offer after, whatever they say. Do not join the navy. I mean seriously, you might be better off running away. You seriously will come back with psychological problems, and it is not a nice experience. I know plenty of people who went to the navy (not even to iraq) and they came back psychologically damaged. Seriously, there is so much that is not told about the navy. You should apply to university of boulder, get a loan, get a job. And you will be good. It's a good university, great town, and you can become really sucessful. It really is a pain to pay back the loan, but if you persist and don't back out you will be fine. Really that's what friends are for, to kind of back you up in your motivations. After Boulder you can get a good paying job or a self supported job and pay back you loans. I personally suggest doing some occupation which is semi-intersting but mostly money-paying, and spending free time fully on some other pursuit. Just keep on dancing around and you'll kill your sorrow off :) I gotta go. I'm on holiday.

Stilts said...

Wow - okay so now I'm freaked out. Thanks very much. University of Boulder huh? I'll look into it. You need to call you weirdo - especially since I can't 'cause you're on holiday. Even when you aren't, I don't know what time to call you or anything. *sighz* Ah well....But seriously, you've got me really freaked out...

Vintik said...

:O but the navy really really is horrible >.> Caall me any time. Pfft leave a voice mail if im not there. They've thought of everything :) JUST CALL when you read this. Call at 1 am if you want :\ I really couldnt care less. And dont join the army, navy, or air force.. for any country. And university of boulder is just an example. I don't know your situation really, or any of the minor details at all. yawwn vic = best at long msgs.