Sunday, November 11, 2007

Senior Year

Ya, we have graduation parties and stuff for our last year, but generally nothing that exciting.

I considered writing lines on my hand, but I knew I'd look too obvious looking at it. Plus I move my hands a lot when I talk, so the audience would have seen it.

My skype names are "stilts" and "stilts2" How's that for inventive? I sent another invite, so we'll see if you get that one.

Anyways - where is everyone? This is drivin' me nuts!!


Vintik said...

i am everywhere :) havent you guys learnt how to converse on stage? I mean back in the day of real actors.. they had a secret way of conversing without the audience knowing. They'd be talking about their relationships, then acting them out. :))

Stilts said...

Victor, I can't be the only one on stage, narrating, and have a conversation with someone who is not there. Especially not on the very front edge of the stage. Nice try though. ^_^

Vintik said...

Not my fault you are so inexperienced. You should learn how.

Stilts said...

Harsh! Well, everyone who saw it said that everyone did great and they could never tell when I messed up. Only Ms. Hensley and Mrs. Hatten knew. So there. *hmph!*

captain spazo said...

well vik your statement would make sense if sarah could act but she couldnt fool a dog into going after a ball she didnt throw :P

Stilts said...

You are such an ass! lol

Vintik said...

Thank you. :)

captain spazo said...

thats my job :D

Stilts said...

Though I say this smiling, jerks! Lucky I love you both....^_^