Sunday, December 30, 2007


Which is where I am right now, currently clocked in and getting paid to fuck off and screw around on the computer, unbeknownst to the boss man. It's 2:30pm and I should be cleaning so that I can get home and write stupid essays for scholarships (which in the end are not stupid at all but incredibly helpful) and then apply to Doane.

The title of my last post was referring to the fact that Joe and I are the only ones posting, really. Jess-O is a myspacer and so forgets about my blog, but hey, I can live with that. Victor, you have no excuse. You haven't even commented in a long time! Kayla's computer is posessed and therefore can only run for limited amounts of time before it freaks out, and Molly keeps saying that there's no intelligent conversation going on. Shane doesn't have a computer of his own and therefore can't join since he is rarely able to use his Nana's computer - the only one he has access to. He said he would, but yeah, there you have it.

And Molly - since when does there need to be intelligent conversation? What you were talking about before was mostly goofy, as usual. You could copy paste the Fava Bean story on here. I know there'd be some interesting feedback - lol.

Anyway, I gotta go and actually work since this evil computer won't play any music, which is why I originally got on. Ciao people!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Don't Get It

i dont get the title you wrote sar is that supposed to be some lyrics to a song or something?

well i do have an account on facebook but i put the same effort as i do into.. erm something that takes veryy little effort into doing.basically theres a bit of info and a picture of not me but of cake and before you think wtf is wrong with him its cool and i like it and theres a bit of a longish story behind it. but yeah the finally message is that its somewhat useless to add me.

also that end of ze world thing is ancient literally i watched it like 2 yrs ago, man you guys are really backwards in that part of the world.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

You and Me, Me and You - 'cause the rest seem to be....

L - A - M - E !!!

WTF ?! (which I originally typed in is fingers dunno what they're supposed to be doing)

I just finished reading The Golden Compass, which Kayla will tell you is amazing and I quite agree. I very nearly cried at one point. Poor little kids! Sometimes I really hate people, even if they do only exist in the book. Heenyvay (I know, Molly, it doesn't sound the same, but work with me). Have all of you seen that "End of Ze World" thing? It's freakin' hilarious....I'll have to post a link.

I know Jess-O, Molly, and Victor are on Facebook, but what about you others?? Eh? Care to join us in this oh so fascinating world? I can't work and don't like MySpace, so I use and like Facebook instead.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

*Tumble Weed rolls by*

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?

guys no1 has added to this thing in a while, doesnt any1 have anything funny or interesting to talk about? i unfortuntately cant come up with anything, it would be nice if any1 can contribute something, pleas

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Love Love Love

Okay, so Molly's excuse for not having written is that there's no intelligent conversation going on. I told her to initiate it, so we'll see what happens. Lord only knows my intellect is not advanced to being one. Follow and continue one, maybe, but my brainpower can't start one.

Jess-O, I could marry you for joining this. Hooray! And Joe, no, you didn't meet her and you're not an asshole - at least not always. ^_^

Kayla, get your ass on here and write something. Not that you'll see that unless you get on again, but I guess we'll see what happens. hehehe!!

Ugh. So I'm going to go make notes on the two pages of info I have for government and then read three chapters in the Great Gatsby. Yay. Oh, I mean, Yay!! Pure Joy!! Whoopee!!

Jess-O understands, don't you darling? Heeheehee!!!

Okay, now I really have to go...Ciao!!

Luv ya all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sorry for the lame attempt

hey just wanted to say sorry for my shit attempt at making a joke in the post below but my mind hasnt been concentrating lately, i hope you'd ignore it as it really is bad. argh what was i thinking.

anyways hope everyone is doing great and where are you ppl its soo quite

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm not that pethetic

Well i would comment but im not really gonna talk to myself atleast not on a public chatroom that would seem like i was insane, or wouldn't it hmm people might think of me as weird if i had a conversation with myself since theres just me but at the same time letting my ideas go out will allow me to develop them, but society doesnt understand it soo yeah talking to myself on a public forum would seem as if i was insane.

i dont mind some cartoons in english i mean its a bit better since you can get the puns and jokes a bit better but if your reading subtitles you can read the joke and not actually laugh since you wouldnt have the actions acting it out.

also no i've never heard of that book, whats it about?

and hello there Jessie i'am Joe i dont think we've met before if so excuse my behaviour cause i probably acted like an asshole which is my style. its a pleasure to meet you and i hope you'll be contributing to this lovely discussion.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Did that get anyone's attention? I do hope so. So, this whole blog has come to a screeching halt and I must say I do not want to lose hope for it! Keep it alive! Don't let it die!!!

Anyway, that's my schpeel.

Sailor Moon isn't really that bad. The American series cut out about 10 episodes from the beginning of the first season, I have discovered. I haven't watched it at all this last week 'cause I haven't had time, but I got up to the 43rd episode. I can't stand it in English anymore....the voices are so damn annoying it drives me insane. I have to have it in Japanese with the subtitles. I don't even know the English names anymore, not really. My god I'm pathetic...Ah well.

I'm gonna go do my college prep homework about the Great Gatsby. I actually like this book - have any of you read it? And how is life for all of you? I haven't even seen a comment from Victor lately...this is so sad.


Please ^_^