Sunday, December 30, 2007


Which is where I am right now, currently clocked in and getting paid to fuck off and screw around on the computer, unbeknownst to the boss man. It's 2:30pm and I should be cleaning so that I can get home and write stupid essays for scholarships (which in the end are not stupid at all but incredibly helpful) and then apply to Doane.

The title of my last post was referring to the fact that Joe and I are the only ones posting, really. Jess-O is a myspacer and so forgets about my blog, but hey, I can live with that. Victor, you have no excuse. You haven't even commented in a long time! Kayla's computer is posessed and therefore can only run for limited amounts of time before it freaks out, and Molly keeps saying that there's no intelligent conversation going on. Shane doesn't have a computer of his own and therefore can't join since he is rarely able to use his Nana's computer - the only one he has access to. He said he would, but yeah, there you have it.

And Molly - since when does there need to be intelligent conversation? What you were talking about before was mostly goofy, as usual. You could copy paste the Fava Bean story on here. I know there'd be some interesting feedback - lol.

Anyway, I gotta go and actually work since this evil computer won't play any music, which is why I originally got on. Ciao people!

1 comment:

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