Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Guess what? Chiken gizzard. Alright, so Sarah and I have decided to make a video blog/website so that we can show Sarah's amazing talent- STUPIDITY! Yes, shocking I know..... I didn't know she could be stupid either and then I saw her do the one legged ballet hop thing that she described in her blog below...... AND THEN I saw her interpretive dancing (yes, that makes me giggle just thinking about it..) which changed my life forever, and I've decided to invest in a video camera, after all, we are doing a great dis-service to the rest of the miserable world by not showing them how insanely pitiful Sarah's dancing can be. So, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to shout them out.... and by anyone I mean ALL three of us who ever use this blog.....

The website will be:
But don't go there now because you'll be sent to my youtube page, which has nothing on it. Its just temporary!!!


Vintik said...

woot it's up. I agree!! Sarah is stupid >.> she won't call me.

Stilts said...

Dude, I won't call you because I don't want to bother you. And because you smell funny. Oh, and just to note, the phone - wonderful thing that it is - works both ways.