Love you all sincerely and dearly ^_^ kisskiss
Okay, so we each have our own little worlds, right? Well, it just so happens that mine is better than yours, so it deserves a blog. ^_^ Tee hee. *grin*
Omg.. You are the one who won't talk with ME.... CALL Mmeee :( Sarah is a selfish brat. Lol jokes. Anyways DONNNNT JOIIN THE NAVYYY. Seriously. If you have to join something.. join like the coast guard. :| BUT THATS LIKE LASSSST RESOOORT SUICIDAL.... :| Seriiously.. And I don't post I said. I only comment :| And call me :|
Well Im happy your waiting, but I still think you should join the Air Force, the women arent as butch and some of them ACTUALLY have BRAINS!
lol!!! Alright, alright!! Holy cow!! Victor, can I call you later on today? (I would say tomorrow, but it's past midnight, so it is tomorrow -
As for the Navy, Adrian said I pretty much pissed off Roberts, so no worries about me rushing back anytime soon. I'm pretty sure they don't want to see me ^_^
Don't think I'd be much use in the Airforce....Sorry Molly. I still love you though!
Victor - just post!!! lol
And what's your phone # again?
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