Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Woot! Woot! And a really big bus

Doo Dah Doo Dah doo doo doo do dee dododo, dee doo dee doo dah deeeeeeee

Miss Fluffy Queen of the lots of things while I was in NZ, you amaze me. I shall have to post my little buffalo - or, rather, my pink fluffy high maintenance buffalo - story when I am finished with it. It's amazing the thoughts that come into your mind whilst sitting among a bunch of fifteen year olds and an old lady teaching driver's ed (sad, I know) who doesn't know what a 3 point turn is.....

Dearest Kayla, whenever you want coffee, by all means let me know and I shall bring you some. I have French Vanilla cappuccino, French Roast, Folgers (and do not tell me that's the best part of waking up because it really just ruins your whole day. Folgers is disgusting. You take a sip, are revolted entirely by its grossness, and then you think all day about how horrible and vile that sip of wannabe coffee really was. You ponder destroying the people that lied to you and tricked you into drinking it by saying that it really was the best part of waking up and paying those people big bucks to pretend it actually smelled good - and you know it wasn't Folgers in those cups of coffee they were actually drinking from.), a dark roast which is particularly nice with about 1c of creamer in it, and a couple of others I don't remember and don't care to look for. But honestly, just let me know if you ever need coffee. The rest of you are screwed so don't even ask. I am so not walking that far.

There's an orange cat sitting out the window eating the cat food that wasn't intended for it specifically right now. It looks all skinny and diminished, so I shall let it enjoy its marvelous feast of icky jellymeat from Friskies (which you know a man came up with).

I'm gonna go pretend I have a life and study for my test tomorrow (since I failed the first time around) so I can get my permit. So sad that I am 17 and only just now getting a permit.....god I'm pathetic....

I love you all

In case you were wondering.


Fluffy said...
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Fluffy said...
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bambooferret said...

WOW..... I don't think I even know how to respond to that... wow....

Stilts said...

Okay, so, what the hell is with the two deleted comments? Who were they from?

And thank you, by the way ^_^