Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ideas for an Anniversary

well if we continue on how we were doing i thinki we should reach 150 pretty soon so ideas celebrating something that we actually kept up for that amount of posts would be good. the coolest thing would be some sort of live chat though its hard since the time difference is rather big.

i found it rather interesting sarah how you hate this guy but yet he came to who's ever house you filmed the game at and played twister and you recorded him and you are still going on about what a cunt this guy is i mean seriously kayla and molly is she always going on about how much she hates him cause it sounds to me that it actually might be the opposite.

Well have fun in Las Vegas for what ever reason your going cause i just got confused in that paragraph all i good decipher was that you guys have some sort of show coming up and sarahs leaving itt ill the last minute to memorise her lines. do you really need to memorise them? cant you just go along with what the people are saying and move your lips or you got like a solo.

also i didnt know anything about whats happening in nunn, i actually didnt even know diane was getting married till about 3 weeks ago when i was speaking to tony and it came up in regular conversation so on current affairs im the last person to ask.

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