Monday, October 15, 2007

Scrrreeeeems of Glee!! (roll the "r"'s)

Yay!! You guys finally posted!! I totally wanted to do some anniversary thing for the 100th post, but I couldn't quite figure out how to work. I'll do it at 150, 'cause by then I will have figured it out. The tape of the Twister is only about 1min long, and it's got Jamie's stupid face in it since I was pointing out that he was a waste of space and stupid and retarded and gay and whatever, which contradicted my own point by me filming the waste of space. Anyway....

I (we - Kayla and I) have choir practice here in about half an hour, so I'm posting quickly before we have to go. I just started the seventh Harry Potter book yesterday, and I'll finish it tonight since there's no point in doing any homework since I'm leaving on Wednesday for Las Vegas. Brooke's wedding. Yay - and not so much. Whatever. Ms. Hensley was the one that convinced me to go, otherwise I'd be staying here with Luke and Dad. I plan to finish memorizing all my lines for the Stage Manager while we're on this trip. My mom says that once she starts getting tired I can start reciting them out loud to keep her awake, which is great! Kayla, don't be mad at me, please, for not having these memorized earlier!! We both know I procrastinate like crazy. At least I'm getting it done before November! (just a side note, the play is Nov. 5, so yeah, major head start for me).

Joe, Mummy says hi. Did you know my mom is doing the engagement pictures for Diane and Mike? Cool huh? Maybe this will finally make them get along again - you know, since the whole Toby thing from when we went to New Zealand.

Anyway, I totally had something maybe somewhat interesting to say before, and now iv'e completely forgotten it, so, yeah. I'm going to go learn how to dance to our murdered medley from Tarzan (long live Phil Collins!!!) Ciao!!

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