Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good Morning ^_^

I should be getting ready for school, but I'm not taking a shower this morning because I have weights class, so I take one after school. Pretty sure none of you cares about this fact, but hey. If it ever comes up in a trivia quiz - and you know it will because I am just that damn popular - you'll have the answer. You should feel so lucky.

Anyway, how have the stream of events been flowing, flooding, swimming, diving - Olympic training been going for everyone? I know Molly is wanting to kill whoever invented feeling sick and being unable to do anything about it, which I understand and feel sorry for. Why can't doctors just make you all better with a magic wand or something? They should've invented that by now...

I ended up doing my report of Dissociative Fugue - Formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Kind of entertaining. Hooray for Sybil. Kayla, what was it you did yours on again? Wasn't it something like Avoidant personality something or other? I really was listening to your presentation and I remember what it was all about, I just can't remember the name....My bad.

I finally got all my damn senior pictures taken care of. They were taken a while ago, but I just got them printed and am taking them to school today and tomorrow to have people pick out what they want for wallets (if any) and which ones should be in the yearbook and slide show because I don't want to pick. Grrr....My dad walked in when I was sorting out which ones to put into the album (66 total - well, serious ones anyway - then there's some goofy screwups) and said, "Good god that's some vanity. I've never had that many pictures taken of me in my lifetime." Oh, and Molly, whenever you feel better, Mrs. Otto wants to do the coffee shop drawing thing still, and so do I. I told her you'd had surgery so we might have to wait a while, but she said whenever you're up to it she'd love to do it still. And also whenever you're ready, I still really want to do pictures with you. Of course, with my $24 paycheck, we may have to wait a while to get all the fun stuff we want to do, but then we can still do some goofy ones with whatever we've got. ^_^

I gotta go get ready since it's 6:30 now. Talk to you chums later!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Icky Icky Icky

I'm so happy for you Molly!! No more nasty pain and sickness. It'll all be better, now. You won't have to worry about being in excruciating pain anymore! Least aways from that.

Anwyho - Molly, I thought that was quite clever of you. I laughed, in any case. But hey, that's just me. And I haven't even seen the show. Papuwa was pretty damn funny - if that's what it was called. I must say I have never seen a transvestite fish before...

I just got a notice in the mail that I have to fill out a victim's report for the court. I also get to go to court. At this point, I don't have to, but there's a hearing date set to try and find "probable cause" - if they find it, the case will continue. If they don't the charges will be dropped. I don't know if I should be nervous or pissed off. This is kinda weird.....

So anyway. One fish Two fish Red fish and then a Republican fish from Jamaica with nothing better to do than lay around eating sun chips and roasting.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thats my Job

Well its great that your operation was a success, and also if you would have let it be more then 10 minutes before posting the articles we might have noticed, your so self centred thinking that no1 else would've got that, thats my job ok?? i make up the quick witted( in this case we cant really do quick witted but you get where im going ) comments.
So did you get to keep the remenants they took out cause that would be a cool ornament.


The title Ah! My Gallblader! Is making fun of Sarah's Ah! My Goddess! (which is a pretty good show) Incase no one noticed. Well I thought it was funny...

Ah! My Gallbladder!

Well, I am officially one Gallbladder shorter, and I have to say, one day after having an organ removed, I feel mighty fine.... Besides my dog jumping on me and the whole sleeping thing and the large incision on my belly button. Its bruising quite nicely, but the other three incisions are petty small, one is like this big (--) another (----) and the other is like this big (--------) and my belly button one is bigger, but I'm not sure how much because i haven't taken the bandage off, I'm affraid. I'm so happy that its finally gone, but I am none to pleased about the already piling up load of already past due homework and papers that I have to write.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Vibrado!! Woot woot.

Bad vibes? What do you mean? And there is no post above yours (at least, now there is, but that's because I put it there...) The Ah! My Goddess! thing is an anime show that I've never seen, but a while ago it was determined that Charles and Molly were both God, but whenever I said "Oh my god", just as a statement to something and Charles would respond, Molly never answered, so she became the goddess that I'm supposed to hail and everything. So, yeah. There's that little story if that's what was freaking you out.

If it was the Mr. Cochran thing - I told you that story the last time you came back. Remember he was my history teacher that ended up being "passionate" about more than just history (the total asshole that said it was "only 5%")? Well, he's getting arrested. Go to , type in "Cochran" in the little search thing at the top, and click on the first article that comes up. It's only small, but that's what was in the paper, and I guess it was on the news too. So, yeah. There's that for you ^_^

Feel better?


WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED, ok im getting some really bad vibes from that post above so can someone please explain this to me cause i've got some very disturbing images in my head.

Also molly i can sense what your doing so i can take a step ahead of you and diminish your ideas MUAHAHAHA cough cough damn need to learn how to do that without coughing ruins the dramatisation.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ah! My Goddess!! (That would be Molly)

You are such a life saver. I have to start working on that's due on Wednesday and I haven't started it yet. I'm going to use one of the ones you mentioned, I'm just not sure yet. I think I'm going with the first one...I like that one (in the way that any one person can like a disorder or whatever without sounding like I want to kidnap a bunch of people that have it and watch them suffer - or make them think they're suffering...hmm...) So anyway.

I have decided that I very much love arrest warrants. I've had just about everyone that knows about "Mr. Cochran" call me and pull me away and ask me if I've read the newspaper or watched the news. I still haven't, no, but the detective called us before it was published or aired, so I do know. I am so freaking excited!!!!! Yay!! I might have to go to court and testify or whatever, but even if I don't, I'm going anyway. When I found out that he had yesterday and today to turn himself in or they were going to get him, I seriously screamed and hugged Ms. Marsh (the counselor at our school). Kayla screamed when I told her too. Woot woot!

Okay, I'm going to go watch a movie or something and then do some homework...or maybe do my homework while watching a movie. Or just do homework. I don't know. Talk to you all later!! Ciao!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Damnit Joe!

How dare you post while I am posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like your little geography lesson, it reminds of some cartoon where the character cuts in to explain something....

won, and one only

Sarah, it's spelled "allowed" not "aloud"(well, in your situation). Here is one and only one suggestion..... Hypochondria. Yes, I know I am brilliant. It's like biology disorder project meets Psychology disorder project, after all, as they say, its all in your head right? How about dimentia? That could be interesting... Body dysmorphic disorder, anyone? A little posttraumatic stress for you? How about some food whilst sleeping? Maybe a phantom limb or two? Okay, so that was more than one suggestion, but you two should be thankful because I had to think deep to find some wierd ones.... in any case my tummy's grumbling and I myself have a shit load of psychology homework and chinese characters to memorize.

Bipolarism, Schizophrenia and Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Thoose are two mental illness you can use, though the latter is probably more commonly known. though im sure you can find others, while OCD is rather easy as alot of people tend to have it.
Sorry i havent been on in a while but i been in gozo since monday( a quick geography lesson, gozo is an other island in the maltese archipeligo where some maltese go and relax since its less built up then malta.) and im going back up again 2mrw till monday

I dont have any pictures of myself cause im not very photogenic, the only way to grasp me is to experience me.

Hey Vic isn't burningman that weird religous festival where people just go to get drunk and fornicate? or am i mistaking it with something else?

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Okay, I don't have a mental illness either to present, so put more than one suggestion when you post. All righty then. I'm sitting in graphic design, and there is nothing to do, so I'm posting. I put a hamster on the moon in my picture. His name is Felicity, and he likes to sing. I could probably figure out how to post him on photobucket for you all to see. Other than that I really don't have anything else to say. Except maybe ;sdlfkha wgowerhg;eogih ;sfdlkawhg;eworithaew;gohg;egoihr;p ;oregihae;gohye;oywlytjhye. It's a foreign language I swear(see? shit! fuck! heehee) Okay, gotta go!!!! Toodles!!!

Okey Dokey

Well alrighty then. I was just trying to make him because I didn't want to research a mental illness for Psych. I still can't think of a really good one to do a presentation on....Hmm....Any ideas? I think I'm allowed to do phobias too, so if anyone can think of a really good one, that'd be handy. ^_^

Monday, September 10, 2007


How about Jamie DOESN'T join....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Happy Cheez-Its

SO what now? Joe, seriously, you had such a brilliant idea with that photobucket thing. You need to put some pictures of you on there before I do. Just so you know. I have only two, and while one of them is decent in looks and nature, the other one is of what Diane did to you. So I think you should put some of yourself on there for the viewing pleasures of others.

I'm sitting in Psych class with Kayla and Jamie. Kayla is actually doing her work like I should be, but I'm kind of lazy. Props for Kayla!! She says that she is making it look like she's doing something. We're supposed to finding mental illnesses to reasearch and present. I'm not doing it yet.

I was just trying to get Jamie to join the blog (hehehe) but he won't do it. Oh well.

So anyway, how are all of you? I just slept in choir and woke up to Mr. Pederson taking pictures of me and of Molly Patrick. Speaking of pictures, Molly, whenever you're ready. My face is not happy with the ice cream I ate after the accident, but it should get over it soon. Until then, yeah. Whenever. There's always Adobe ^_^

I can't think of anything else to write, so I'm going to go and send e-cards to people. Or just look up stupid stuff on the internet. I don't know. I'll just find some way to entertain myself.

Hope ya'll are having a magicalisticalishnessoscityminiminizer of a day. Ciao lovelies!


That is so cool! I can't wait to go see it. I would right now, but I'm in the tech lab at school, and I don't think it will take me there. So yeah. What's with the whole fork/spork thing? I'm so damn confused (then again, when am I not.....) I really have nothing else to say. Let's see......pickles and crickets? Yeah. I'll post later when I actually have something to say. Oh, and I'm glad to see you posted a comment Vic. Where the hell is Burmington? (Yeah, don't know the spelling.....) Ciao my little friends I keep in the computer!!!! ~Fluffy

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's Alive!!!!!

Im glad to see that my creation works, i knew women couldn't resist parading their pictures on public sites for all to see haha. now i'll see them later when i need entertaining

also sarah i would be surprised if you guys filmed your self doing something thats not how you act i mean read the entire blog we probably have the most entertaining discussions, just random crap with a few smart comments. now if you guys were to film yourself then it has more action and able to create a more entertainable form of communication.

also sorry for the lack of enthusiasm in the post but im kind of tired

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fine then - I'll spork you instead.

I just posted I think 3 pictures onto photobucket. Two of them are of me and Kayla. Last night her mom came over to edit pictures, so me and her started playing with the camera. Kind of sad, really, and most of the pictures are really weird because I was warping them. So I just put two semi-decent ones on there. None of the ones we took were in "normal" setting, so one of them I think is "colored pencil" and the other is "comic book". The third one is of just Kayla and I swear she looks like Reese Witherspoon in it. It's really weird....Anyway...

Thanks so much Molly for advertising my stupidity. ^_^ And I mean that with all sincerity. I see where the fork thing came from now. Ha ha, I get it. At least you didn't put up the ones on your phone from your house. That would not be so bueno. You need to come over here so we can take some goofy pictures too. It's so much fun. I freakin' love it. Kayla and I also made a video too, but it was ten minutes of nothing intelligent whatsoever, so I wasn't going to put that up there. Did you ask my mom if you could use her Sony? I'm pretty sure she'll let you....

I'm gonna go finish my government homework since I gave up on my physics. I just do not understand that class. Hopefully I can make it through. I might drop it at semester if I can't get an A in the class...I need a 4.0 GPA and that class will kill it for me...

Ta ta children!!!

Sarah! Just put the damn fork down!

Okay, so i uploaded 2 pictures on photobucket, this is going to be fun! They are stupid photos of Sarah..... I know, shocking! From Dowdy Lake, that was an awesome two days. Sarah.... that piercer was REALLY hot. If you weren't so flaky you'd know that.... : ( My ears are in agonizing pain... Vicodin does nothing, it is a useless, useless drug. I am so gonna get fired, I've missed sooo much work. That would almost be alright with me, I hate my job : ( Blech......

Monday, September 3, 2007


Joe, you are totally brilliant. If I had found that before the accident, I would have though to take pictures. Unfortunately, there are none. And no, Joe, I am not "forgetting" to mention anything to you. It was the guys fault in part for turning on his indicator, but then I was going too fast and, yeah. It was my fault. It's all good though because it's a really easy thing to go with and there's no point in fighting it. My mom is getting a new and is forcing me to drive the truck. And here I was thinking she'd forbid me to drive ever again. Oh no. Not so lucky. She wants me to drive the truck as often as possible - and then we have to register it. I think that just makes it better - not only does she want me to drive, she wants me to drive an illegal vehicle. My driving in itself was only just recently legalized. *rolls eyes* Ah well. Oh, and hey, what the hell happened to Victor? I haven't seen any comments for a long while. You still here, Victor oh buddy?

Molly, I hope all is well with you and everything - and I'm looking forward to feeding my eyes with this proposed eye candy of yours. I am so totally excited. I'm sitting at work writing this, so I'm supposing I should actually do work - since it is almost 9pm....I'll talk to all you little bunnies later - Ciao!!!

An idea in expansion

ok guys i was thinking and it occured to me, how could we entertain ourselves even more through our online activity? pictures, i mean we're always talking about the stupid stuff we did, ok maybe you guys are, so i created this account through photobucket for us to upload pictures we have and share them with everyone on the board. so just go to and the username is mryamata in honour of our lost friend and the password is thebubble. i already uploaded one picture, i just look up the name yamata on google pictures and got the first interesting thing that came up, ah card of of one of thoose collectible card games with a yamata dragon on it. well hopefully everyone can use it and we can share your... i mean our hilarious predicaments.

also sarah if the person driving didnt signal with an indicator then technically it's their fault right? or is there aomething your leaving out?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Any cliffs handy?

Okay, so now that Molly has called me back and is in fact sitting in my living room with me at this very moment, that part is all good. On the other hand, I just got in my first car accident. I seriously want to jump out my window, I feel terrible. I was heading home on Hwy85 (Joe, you know that main road through Nunn?) And there as a car in front of me that was slowing down to turn. He didn't have his turn signal on, but from where he was on the road, it looked like he was going to turn left. So I figured I would pass on the right. I slowed down a little and started to pull around him, but then he turned right. I hit the brakes and tried to turn with him, but I was going too fast and I hit him. it wasn't really that bad for them, but I screwed the left front fender on my mom's MERCEDES FUCKING BENZ. I knew they were all okay, but I was mortified at the thought of what my mom would do when she found out. Nobody was hurt or anything and my mom started laughing when she showed up. The cops came and I owe a $60 fine for careless driving and God knows how much for fixing the guy's car. Molly and my mom keep taking the mickey out of me for, which I know I deserve. I tell you what though, I will never pass another person as long as I live and the moment I can afford it I am buying my mom seven new Mercedes.

Anyway, how are all of you doing? lol Oh, and Molly replaced Mr. Yamata with a creepy little gray thingy from .hack//sign. It seriously freaks me out. Molly, even though you're sitting about 7 feet away from me right now (but won't be when you read this), how can you possibly think that thing is so terribly cute?