Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good Morning ^_^

I should be getting ready for school, but I'm not taking a shower this morning because I have weights class, so I take one after school. Pretty sure none of you cares about this fact, but hey. If it ever comes up in a trivia quiz - and you know it will because I am just that damn popular - you'll have the answer. You should feel so lucky.

Anyway, how have the stream of events been flowing, flooding, swimming, diving - Olympic training been going for everyone? I know Molly is wanting to kill whoever invented feeling sick and being unable to do anything about it, which I understand and feel sorry for. Why can't doctors just make you all better with a magic wand or something? They should've invented that by now...

I ended up doing my report of Dissociative Fugue - Formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Kind of entertaining. Hooray for Sybil. Kayla, what was it you did yours on again? Wasn't it something like Avoidant personality something or other? I really was listening to your presentation and I remember what it was all about, I just can't remember the name....My bad.

I finally got all my damn senior pictures taken care of. They were taken a while ago, but I just got them printed and am taking them to school today and tomorrow to have people pick out what they want for wallets (if any) and which ones should be in the yearbook and slide show because I don't want to pick. Grrr....My dad walked in when I was sorting out which ones to put into the album (66 total - well, serious ones anyway - then there's some goofy screwups) and said, "Good god that's some vanity. I've never had that many pictures taken of me in my lifetime." Oh, and Molly, whenever you feel better, Mrs. Otto wants to do the coffee shop drawing thing still, and so do I. I told her you'd had surgery so we might have to wait a while, but she said whenever you're up to it she'd love to do it still. And also whenever you're ready, I still really want to do pictures with you. Of course, with my $24 paycheck, we may have to wait a while to get all the fun stuff we want to do, but then we can still do some goofy ones with whatever we've got. ^_^

I gotta go get ready since it's 6:30 now. Talk to you chums later!!

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