Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fine then - I'll spork you instead.

I just posted I think 3 pictures onto photobucket. Two of them are of me and Kayla. Last night her mom came over to edit pictures, so me and her started playing with the camera. Kind of sad, really, and most of the pictures are really weird because I was warping them. So I just put two semi-decent ones on there. None of the ones we took were in "normal" setting, so one of them I think is "colored pencil" and the other is "comic book". The third one is of just Kayla and I swear she looks like Reese Witherspoon in it. It's really weird....Anyway...

Thanks so much Molly for advertising my stupidity. ^_^ And I mean that with all sincerity. I see where the fork thing came from now. Ha ha, I get it. At least you didn't put up the ones on your phone from your house. That would not be so bueno. You need to come over here so we can take some goofy pictures too. It's so much fun. I freakin' love it. Kayla and I also made a video too, but it was ten minutes of nothing intelligent whatsoever, so I wasn't going to put that up there. Did you ask my mom if you could use her Sony? I'm pretty sure she'll let you....

I'm gonna go finish my government homework since I gave up on my physics. I just do not understand that class. Hopefully I can make it through. I might drop it at semester if I can't get an A in the class...I need a 4.0 GPA and that class will kill it for me...

Ta ta children!!!


bambooferret said...

Did you seriously just call it picturebucket???!?!?!?! Forshame Sarah, forshame

Stilts said...

Well shit. My bad. I totally did not realize I did sad...I shall fix it now