Sunday, September 2, 2007

Any cliffs handy?

Okay, so now that Molly has called me back and is in fact sitting in my living room with me at this very moment, that part is all good. On the other hand, I just got in my first car accident. I seriously want to jump out my window, I feel terrible. I was heading home on Hwy85 (Joe, you know that main road through Nunn?) And there as a car in front of me that was slowing down to turn. He didn't have his turn signal on, but from where he was on the road, it looked like he was going to turn left. So I figured I would pass on the right. I slowed down a little and started to pull around him, but then he turned right. I hit the brakes and tried to turn with him, but I was going too fast and I hit him. it wasn't really that bad for them, but I screwed the left front fender on my mom's MERCEDES FUCKING BENZ. I knew they were all okay, but I was mortified at the thought of what my mom would do when she found out. Nobody was hurt or anything and my mom started laughing when she showed up. The cops came and I owe a $60 fine for careless driving and God knows how much for fixing the guy's car. Molly and my mom keep taking the mickey out of me for, which I know I deserve. I tell you what though, I will never pass another person as long as I live and the moment I can afford it I am buying my mom seven new Mercedes.

Anyway, how are all of you doing? lol Oh, and Molly replaced Mr. Yamata with a creepy little gray thingy from .hack//sign. It seriously freaks me out. Molly, even though you're sitting about 7 feet away from me right now (but won't be when you read this), how can you possibly think that thing is so terribly cute?

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