Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Hello my peepskulls. Okay, I can't believe that Jamie would be that stupid. Oh and Joe, (heehee that rhymed) I thought I would tell you that Jamie is a kid that goes to our school and is in our grade. He's okay most of the time, but sometimes.............ughh! He's kind of geeky, but whatever. I thought I'd tell you a little bit more about him since Sarah's explanation only included another fuck along with moron. Okay. Too much of this post has been dedicated to Jamie. Moving on............................Molly, you should call Sarah, because seriously, she is FREAKING OUT!!!!!!! She has yelled at Jamie quite frequently actually, and she's not letting him live it down. She really is SOOOOOO sorry about how it sounded on your end of the line. Fucking ferrets. Why do they have to inhabit such numbskulls? Anyway, I've got to go and "translate" Jabberwocky". Ciao my beautiful chidlets!!!!! ; )

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hello my oh-so-chewable Funyons.....

I asked Kayla about the sentence thing at school and she was talking about my stupid long hyphenated sentence - she just didn't realize who posted it. ^_^ Hehehe - makes me giggle. But it's all right.

Jamie is a stupid fucking (yes I said it) moron. Molly called me to talk to me about what had happened and to tell me that she had to get the surgery, and then stupid Jamie and his dumb brother started to hit me with pillows. It hurt really bad and I was trying to talk to her, but I was so damn mad about it that I was laughing, which wasn't good and I am SO SORRY MOLLY!!! Ugh. Stupid moron.

Anyway, I've actually got my own computer now - one that works (yay!!!), so, yeah. Not that that means anything special, but that I can totally IM you guys without worrying about getting caught, which is handy. I've got to go do my math homework, so I'll talk to you all later. Ciao!!!

And Molly, please call me back? Or at least let me call you.....

Monday, August 27, 2007

People Like You...

Don't worry molly you won't die, people like you are needed in the world thye help keep balance in the world and show everyone a new perspective thus you sha'll be protected by the forces of equilibrium.

sarah i think they were referring the my first sentence or the fact that that post was the longest post i've ever posted.

Who may i ask is jamie? cause i don't think i've ever heard sarah say fuck so this person must be rather special in some way.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Oh my GOD Molly! You have to call me back! I've been seriously so nervous, and it's not even me getting the surgery. Oh, and by the way, I refuse point blank to write you a eulogy (thank you for reminding me what the word was, by the way.....I'm kind of retarded when it comes to remembering big words like that) because you are NOT going to die!!! Now that the problem has been identified and is going to be fixed, you're going to be all better and you're going to feel better and you're going to be able to go through a day without agonizing pain. I will seriously miss out on school to stay with you during your surgery - or at least in the hospital since I doubt they're going to let me into the operating room. I will stay with you overnight if you want me to until you're feeling better, which you will be ^_^ You have to call me back - please!! Fucking Jamie was being such an ass - and I chewed him out when you hung up. What time do you get off work on Saturdays? Is it normal time? Because you should totally come over and hang out or something.

*sigh* Anyway, yes Kayla, Shane is joining, he just needs access to a computer I think. And what sentence did Joe write that was really long 'cause I can't find it. (sad, I know, but really, it is me afterall).

I have to go finish cleaning. I'm sitting at work using Tanya's computer. ^_^ Hehehe. Mine should be here on Thursday - but until then, I'm kind of bumming off everyone else.

Ciao my beautiful children!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007


Molly, I hope everything goes okay, and I love you to death! (Oh wait......) No, Molly you won't die. I'll make sure the doctor knows the stakes on his life before he operates. It will be okay. I promise. Okay, I really don't have much to talk about (another side effect of no life....) so I think we need a debatable topic that will keep us busy for a while. Unfortunately I don't know what that topic would be, so ideas would be helpful. Sarah, it sucks I only have two classes with you! I'm bored like all day! Vic, I was wondering........if France is full of wine and smelly cheese what is Finland full of? Joe, I loved the long sentency thing. It reminded me of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, or however you spell that damn word. Sarah, is your cousin joining or what? I'm confused. Okay, I'm done now because my brain just glitched from an overloaded hard-drive. See ya!

Its called a Eulogy, and you better start writing mine...

Ehk...... I hate the word bittersweet, but that is exactly how my situation is. My doctor had me take a HIDA scan, so I layed perfectly still for TWO HOURS while a technician injected a horrible stimulant into me that made the longest threes minutes of my life- horrible pain, he purposely made my gallbladder work REALLY hard so that it would take my normal symptoms and times them by like 5------ Pain=bad gall bladder. In the end there is a percentage kicked out of the computer (how much the bile from you liver is dumping) and 35% and up is what is considered normal. Mine is 19%. So now, all that I can do is have surgery, and this is where the bittersweet comes in...... Bitter because surgery sucks.... sweet because now I finally know whats wrong with me. Phooey, Im scared! What if I die??????????????? Sarah! You better write me a eulogy! And it better be good or I'm gonna haunt you until you're forced to kill yourself in a fit of passion! Okay, not really.... but I'll be crying! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bleh........!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Life's a drag, so pass it on. It might end up fun!!

So how are all my children doing? (That sounds like a soap opera - All My Children - oh wait....)

Anyway, Joe, your drunken ramblings amuse me. ^_^ Props to you. And I loved your little whatever-the-word-is-that-is-that-thing-read-at-a-funeral-starting-with-an-E That you posted.
Do you know how hard it is for me to type without the spacebar? It takes me about two minutes to get a continuous line like that out.

Molly, I hope you are feeling better!! If you're not, then I hope you turn magical and get magicked better, which would be pretty damn handy.

Has anybody here read Harry Potter 7? I know Molly is getting there, but has anyone else read it?

I have to go do my College Prep and Physics hmwk now, so I'll talk to you all later.

Like sands in an hour glass, these, are the Days of Our Lives. (hehehe - I make myself giggle)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Sad Day

It is a sad day for all car ornaments as the death of another always is tragic and so very unexpected. We sha'll honour Mr. Yamada's memory by never forgetting his teachings to us and use them through life. We should bury him outdoors so he can be amoung nature again.

Yeah i got over that ok, sorry for having to expose you to my drunken ramblings and it took me about 5 minutes to write believe it or not i actually thought about that..... somewhat... kind of... not really i just blabbed what came into my mind as i wrote the message.

Also is Molly ok if she's going through surgery?

and again where is it that Victor lives?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


This will probably be the shortest post I but I feel that I must pretend to contribute something to my little bubble of life that isn't a bubble and has no life. Molly, I think we should have a ceremony for the yeti that I spent so much on for you. I took such careful care of him all the way home - and for such a thing to happen!! It is so tragic that we're going to have to go back to Florida and get you one of his cousins. Unless you feel he can never be replaced, in which case we will get you one of his gods.

Joe, I totally love you. I hope your hangover wasn't too bad, and I am also curious as to how long it took you to write that out. I'm going with Kayla on the 5-10 minute guess.

I gotta go swim, so I'll talk to you guys later. ^_^

Oh, and yes, Molly, we shall have to do a photo shoot when you are NOT dying of anything crazy and are NOT going through sooper-fun surgery. (and yes, I spelled super "sooper" on purpose.)

This wasn't as short as I intended it to be.........

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mr. Yamada is DEAD

Yeah, thats right, I said it, he's dead... I guess when my car broke down and I took him out, I left him sitting on the china cabinet in the kitchen and my mum threw him away........ ergh, yeah so my heart has officially been broken. Oh poor sanguinius (sp??) How the world hath smote thee my love, I shall ne'er forget yee. This is about the time I start spouting out Adalaide Proctor but I'm far too tired for that. Sarah, I suppose our photoshoot shall have to commence next weekend assuming I'm not dying or undergoing fun surgery!!! Its all for you Mr. Yamada, maybe I will start a charity organization in your honor, or name a street after you--- "Yamada Lane" The soud rings poetry through my ears, and brings tears to my eyes. Rest in peace my dear friend and may [insert religious or political figure here] be with you. Someday, I shall see you again...

Oh yeah?! Well I say GERBILS!!!

Joe, I must ask how long it took you to type in capital letters 'fucking wasted'. If you are that wasted, I'm going to bet.............ummm.............5-10 minutes? And if you want to talk about the mating of an animal, talk about fucking rabbits if anything else. (Molly, Lythande, and Sarah should get this one hahahaha rabbits. heeeheee) Well, mine and Sarah's doom commences in a mere 68 hours, 21 minutes and 4 seconds as of Of course it won't be that by the time I post this and it won't be that when you guys read it, but I really don't give a shit. (You can tell I'm in a good mood, huh?) Sarah, I have found my book. I finished Huck Finn which happened to be on the list. So I now have to go through and mark shit so that it looks like I actually did something. But I think that you and I are probably in MUCH better shape than the rest of our class will be. But thank you anyways for the offer of your selection!!! *grin* Oh, and yes, it is BLASPHEMOUS to even THINK about having only one type of coffee ever!!! It's a bloody hell bringer to even think it. (I sound like some nun talking about eternal damnation! Oh well, it really doesn't matter considering you guys, or at least most of you know my thoughts on religion. *evil twisted grin* ) So how is everyone else? I'm guessing not much is going on considering that the last couple posts have been about coffee and hamsters. (oh what the people who have a life are missing out on.......) Oh, and those that have a life can go jump off a cliff in hoards like the lemmings. Sarah, you and I will have to brain storm on how to accomplish executing your mentally-ill-heroin-addict boss. And all of you are glad to pitch in some devilish ideas. Okay I gotta go!!! Ciao!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


i find it rather annoyign that your message incluyding 3 things that you did not mention in your post cause like hansters are cool because you cna make reference to how much they mate....

Any6ways what you woreking as this year?

also0 im rather curious where are you from Vic?

ASnd HAA you start school while i start in October.

(laos sorry for the bad writing but im FUCKING WASTED)

Pillows and Blankets and Teeny Tiny Hamsters

Wow, you people are so fascinating I can hardly control myself. No, really. It's true. Not even Victor is commenting anymore.

Ah well. Joe, I'm sorry to disappoint but, as I know you know, nothing interesting has been going on here at all. Which I know depresses you greatly, but fear not!! Perhaps the future holds something interesting.....You just never know.

Ugh - I can't believe that school starts again on Thursday. Totally evil!!! Hey Kayla, have you found your third book yet? I have three or four from the list if you want to borrow one. You can write in them too, if you'd like. ^_^ Or you can just use the notes I already made.

Molly Molly Molly - when do you want to do the pictures? I know you asked me earlier last week if we could do them today, but, yeah. So when do you want to do them? Hmm? Hmm?

I gotta go to my job - which I love. I love my job. I love my job. I. Love. My. Job. *deep breath*
I have got to kill my boss.....

See ya later!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Admitting it is the first step

Sarah what you said is basically what an addict does, you should tape your self with not having coffee for a whole day then watch it and see how you would start getting nervous untill you do. i think it would be rather amusing seeing you hooked on something.

So anyone got anything itneresting that we can make fun of you i mean talk about?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hmm Hmm Hmm (and a lot of little dots)

Joe you make a very good point. I totally agree with you. I have discovered lately that having a life costs absolutely way too much. My reality check bounced, so I'm a little worried for these people that have them. They're gonna end up in a really big hole with a very angry person or bunch of people looking down on them and grumbling very loudly, somewhat like yelling.

Oh, and I just
have to ask this:


I do not know how you survive. Just ask Molly and/or Kayla and they'll tell you what I'm like when I have coffee - or what happens when I am deprived of it. *sighz* I'm not addicted, but I do very much, do I say....I guess you could say that I am pretty much


So, anyway. How are the rest of you doing? School starts for me and Kayla next week, so, yeah. That pretty much sucks. Or rather, it bites. Which really hurts, mind you. (note for Molly and Kayla: ***Dane Cook moment!!!*** "That's not necessary. That hurts." )

I sent an invite to my cousin Shane, so he might be joining us soon(ish). I gotsta go afore I get into reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly big trooble from Daedy. He not so happy tooodaey. Talk to you people (or...whatever....) later! Ciao doooodes.

Now playing: The Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 3, 2007

Well it Rhymed

Well that poem rhymed a lot except for when u mentioned the butter and the truck driver. but i have to admit you managed to come up with something so good work for that.

Also people are normally depressed when its raining outside cause unlike us people have lifes. now a life is were you go out to places with a bunch of your friends and so if its raining you can't go out thus they become depressed. fascinating aren't they these lives i've only stumbled upon them recently so further information is required for us to find out what they truly are.

Also why do you people have so many different coffee's we have the one that comes in a jar and that's it if you want good coffee it's a matter of learning how to do them.