Saturday, August 25, 2007


Oh my GOD Molly! You have to call me back! I've been seriously so nervous, and it's not even me getting the surgery. Oh, and by the way, I refuse point blank to write you a eulogy (thank you for reminding me what the word was, by the way.....I'm kind of retarded when it comes to remembering big words like that) because you are NOT going to die!!! Now that the problem has been identified and is going to be fixed, you're going to be all better and you're going to feel better and you're going to be able to go through a day without agonizing pain. I will seriously miss out on school to stay with you during your surgery - or at least in the hospital since I doubt they're going to let me into the operating room. I will stay with you overnight if you want me to until you're feeling better, which you will be ^_^ You have to call me back - please!! Fucking Jamie was being such an ass - and I chewed him out when you hung up. What time do you get off work on Saturdays? Is it normal time? Because you should totally come over and hang out or something.

*sigh* Anyway, yes Kayla, Shane is joining, he just needs access to a computer I think. And what sentence did Joe write that was really long 'cause I can't find it. (sad, I know, but really, it is me afterall).

I have to go finish cleaning. I'm sitting at work using Tanya's computer. ^_^ Hehehe. Mine should be here on Thursday - but until then, I'm kind of bumming off everyone else.

Ciao my beautiful children!!!

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