Friday, August 24, 2007

Its called a Eulogy, and you better start writing mine...

Ehk...... I hate the word bittersweet, but that is exactly how my situation is. My doctor had me take a HIDA scan, so I layed perfectly still for TWO HOURS while a technician injected a horrible stimulant into me that made the longest threes minutes of my life- horrible pain, he purposely made my gallbladder work REALLY hard so that it would take my normal symptoms and times them by like 5------ Pain=bad gall bladder. In the end there is a percentage kicked out of the computer (how much the bile from you liver is dumping) and 35% and up is what is considered normal. Mine is 19%. So now, all that I can do is have surgery, and this is where the bittersweet comes in...... Bitter because surgery sucks.... sweet because now I finally know whats wrong with me. Phooey, Im scared! What if I die??????????????? Sarah! You better write me a eulogy! And it better be good or I'm gonna haunt you until you're forced to kill yourself in a fit of passion! Okay, not really.... but I'll be crying! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bleh........!!!!!!!!

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