Sunday, December 30, 2007


Which is where I am right now, currently clocked in and getting paid to fuck off and screw around on the computer, unbeknownst to the boss man. It's 2:30pm and I should be cleaning so that I can get home and write stupid essays for scholarships (which in the end are not stupid at all but incredibly helpful) and then apply to Doane.

The title of my last post was referring to the fact that Joe and I are the only ones posting, really. Jess-O is a myspacer and so forgets about my blog, but hey, I can live with that. Victor, you have no excuse. You haven't even commented in a long time! Kayla's computer is posessed and therefore can only run for limited amounts of time before it freaks out, and Molly keeps saying that there's no intelligent conversation going on. Shane doesn't have a computer of his own and therefore can't join since he is rarely able to use his Nana's computer - the only one he has access to. He said he would, but yeah, there you have it.

And Molly - since when does there need to be intelligent conversation? What you were talking about before was mostly goofy, as usual. You could copy paste the Fava Bean story on here. I know there'd be some interesting feedback - lol.

Anyway, I gotta go and actually work since this evil computer won't play any music, which is why I originally got on. Ciao people!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Don't Get It

i dont get the title you wrote sar is that supposed to be some lyrics to a song or something?

well i do have an account on facebook but i put the same effort as i do into.. erm something that takes veryy little effort into doing.basically theres a bit of info and a picture of not me but of cake and before you think wtf is wrong with him its cool and i like it and theres a bit of a longish story behind it. but yeah the finally message is that its somewhat useless to add me.

also that end of ze world thing is ancient literally i watched it like 2 yrs ago, man you guys are really backwards in that part of the world.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

You and Me, Me and You - 'cause the rest seem to be....

L - A - M - E !!!

WTF ?! (which I originally typed in is fingers dunno what they're supposed to be doing)

I just finished reading The Golden Compass, which Kayla will tell you is amazing and I quite agree. I very nearly cried at one point. Poor little kids! Sometimes I really hate people, even if they do only exist in the book. Heenyvay (I know, Molly, it doesn't sound the same, but work with me). Have all of you seen that "End of Ze World" thing? It's freakin' hilarious....I'll have to post a link.

I know Jess-O, Molly, and Victor are on Facebook, but what about you others?? Eh? Care to join us in this oh so fascinating world? I can't work and don't like MySpace, so I use and like Facebook instead.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

*Tumble Weed rolls by*

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?

guys no1 has added to this thing in a while, doesnt any1 have anything funny or interesting to talk about? i unfortuntately cant come up with anything, it would be nice if any1 can contribute something, pleas

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Love Love Love

Okay, so Molly's excuse for not having written is that there's no intelligent conversation going on. I told her to initiate it, so we'll see what happens. Lord only knows my intellect is not advanced to being one. Follow and continue one, maybe, but my brainpower can't start one.

Jess-O, I could marry you for joining this. Hooray! And Joe, no, you didn't meet her and you're not an asshole - at least not always. ^_^

Kayla, get your ass on here and write something. Not that you'll see that unless you get on again, but I guess we'll see what happens. hehehe!!

Ugh. So I'm going to go make notes on the two pages of info I have for government and then read three chapters in the Great Gatsby. Yay. Oh, I mean, Yay!! Pure Joy!! Whoopee!!

Jess-O understands, don't you darling? Heeheehee!!!

Okay, now I really have to go...Ciao!!

Luv ya all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sorry for the lame attempt

hey just wanted to say sorry for my shit attempt at making a joke in the post below but my mind hasnt been concentrating lately, i hope you'd ignore it as it really is bad. argh what was i thinking.

anyways hope everyone is doing great and where are you ppl its soo quite

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm not that pethetic

Well i would comment but im not really gonna talk to myself atleast not on a public chatroom that would seem like i was insane, or wouldn't it hmm people might think of me as weird if i had a conversation with myself since theres just me but at the same time letting my ideas go out will allow me to develop them, but society doesnt understand it soo yeah talking to myself on a public forum would seem as if i was insane.

i dont mind some cartoons in english i mean its a bit better since you can get the puns and jokes a bit better but if your reading subtitles you can read the joke and not actually laugh since you wouldnt have the actions acting it out.

also no i've never heard of that book, whats it about?

and hello there Jessie i'am Joe i dont think we've met before if so excuse my behaviour cause i probably acted like an asshole which is my style. its a pleasure to meet you and i hope you'll be contributing to this lovely discussion.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Did that get anyone's attention? I do hope so. So, this whole blog has come to a screeching halt and I must say I do not want to lose hope for it! Keep it alive! Don't let it die!!!

Anyway, that's my schpeel.

Sailor Moon isn't really that bad. The American series cut out about 10 episodes from the beginning of the first season, I have discovered. I haven't watched it at all this last week 'cause I haven't had time, but I got up to the 43rd episode. I can't stand it in English anymore....the voices are so damn annoying it drives me insane. I have to have it in Japanese with the subtitles. I don't even know the English names anymore, not really. My god I'm pathetic...Ah well.

I'm gonna go do my college prep homework about the Great Gatsby. I actually like this book - have any of you read it? And how is life for all of you? I haven't even seen a comment from Victor lately...this is so sad.


Please ^_^

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The other two

Sailor moon that shows ancient havent watched it in years, not that i used to watch it our anything *cough* just that i havent seen it while flipping through the channels. though i havent seen a good japanese cartoon in ages, i miss the dumb sexually enthusiastic hero and the faces they'd make.
any1 got any suggestions on good ones?

also where are the other 2 that contribute to this enlightening chat?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Okay, so I'm moving back out into the actual posts. Forget the comments for now. Anyway. Jess-O just drove me around all day so I could collect, fill out, and return applications for a second job. I really hope I get to work at the movie theater. That would be fun. Cheap, but fun. She's totally my hero. She's currently sitting next to me eating custard, ice cream, and peach pie. We smuggled the custard powder back from New Zealand 'cause they don't have it over here. Ah well. I'm gonna go watch Sailor Moon. I used to be obsessed with that when I was little, and someone put it on YouTube and it showed up and I've just been watching it. Lame huh? I still like it. I watched the last episode first. That always makes life easier. Like reading the last page of a book, you know what's going to happen.

Okay, actually, I'm going to watch Bill Engvall. He's on tv right now. Ciao!!

Love you all! Somebody ELSE write something will you?!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Senior Year

Ya, we have graduation parties and stuff for our last year, but generally nothing that exciting.

I considered writing lines on my hand, but I knew I'd look too obvious looking at it. Plus I move my hands a lot when I talk, so the audience would have seen it.

My skype names are "stilts" and "stilts2" How's that for inventive? I sent another invite, so we'll see if you get that one.

Anyways - where is everyone? This is drivin' me nuts!!

So You Messed Up?

so you messed up your lines? you should've written some lines on your palms. works better.

i havent got your invite so i cant accept, whats your name maybe i can attempt to find you. it shouldnt be too hard to find me im the only guy in malta, probably the whole world with my name im that unique ok.

so you guys are in your last year of school right? do you do something special or you just treat it as any other end?

Saturday, November 10, 2007


The play was so crazy much fun!! The first night, the crowd was kind of lame, and I forgot a few lines, but I just ad-libbed and it worked out really well. Last night was so funny. It was just great. We managed to turn the first two acts of a fairly serious play into a sort of comedy. It was totally awesome, and everybody loved it! Anyway.

Thanks to Molly, we missed out on the 150 thing 'cause she's a pain like that (though I still love you. How are the ears, by the way?). But maybe, at some point we can celebrate or whatever. Joe, you need to accept my Skype request.

Whatever. I gotta go finish cleaning and get ready to go to pep band. Ciao!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bringing the Light


Molly, you are a freak. And you amaze me. So the play is in two days. I don't even know half my lines, and I didn't go to dress rehearsal tonight because I wanted to just kill someone and I had to get away.

People all around are going crazy. I will be so happy when Thanksgiving break comes and my mind can stop whirling around like I'm on drugs or something insane. Joe, I am so adding you to Skype right now. Woot. Now all you have to do is accept my invitation. I never knew you had Skype. Bum.

Whatever. I'm going to finish watching American Idol 2007, and then go to bed.

Seriously insane. And yes. The creepy guy thing? No kidding. Just so you know, you-know-who is out. He paid his bail and waived his right to a preliminary hearing and now we have to go in and talk about what we think should happen to him with the DA. Fun fun.


Sunday, November 4, 2007


*tumble weed rolls by* guys wheres everyone, its so quite and soo lonely come show me the light and say something.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Holy Shit

jesus tap dancing christ what the hell happened, you jumped the 150 posts marks also so...

lol sarak you always seem to attract the weirdos, i dont know about any of you girls so it might just be all you but from what i've seen of sarah she always seems to attract weirdos to her, its rather amusing dont you think?

well for the live chat thing we can use skype maybe? my user name is.......... captainspazo come on who didnt see that coming. anyways feel free to add me. also if so its probably best to do it on a weekend since we're all in different time zones, not sure how far ahead victor is from me but im guessing like 1hr, making him 9hrs ahead of you guys as im 8hrs ahead.

oh so your in one of thoose plays like shakespeare's the tempest where theres some1 who keeps popping in and out telling ppl what happened. i like it cause i can fall asleep then wake up and always know whats going on

Friday, October 26, 2007


God! That took a long ass time......... but now you cant celebrate 150... so hah!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Live Chat? Cool!!!!

I think a live chat would be cool, but everyone would have to be involved. *cough* Victor and Lythande *cough*. Sorry, I seem to have something stuck in my throat........ anyway.....Sarah I'm sorry you didn't have a fun time in Vegas with big fat tipsy guys. If we do a live chat, I'd probably have to be at Sarah's house, cuz of my computer. (if you're confused about that, read the last post by me. I think it was that one....) Oops! gotta go! Bye!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Clarity for Joe

I went to Vegas for Brooke's wedding. Pretty damn fun, I must say. Except for the refuckingtarded guys that kept trying to buy me a cocktail. Ugh.

I think a live chat would be amazing if we could work out the time thing. Seriously awesome.

Stage Manager is a part in a play. Generally, no two people are speaking at the same time - and definitely not the same words if they are. My job as Stage Manager is to inform the audience of the layout, the characters, what happened in the chunks of time between acts, and other random parts throughout the play.

At least you know about Diane at all. Props for you. ^_^

I've got to go and continue memorizing the lines. It's rather difficult as I have no one else to practice with, so I have to know the whole conversation, not just my entrance point. Grrr......Ah well. talk to you all later!!

Ideas for an Anniversary

well if we continue on how we were doing i thinki we should reach 150 pretty soon so ideas celebrating something that we actually kept up for that amount of posts would be good. the coolest thing would be some sort of live chat though its hard since the time difference is rather big.

i found it rather interesting sarah how you hate this guy but yet he came to who's ever house you filmed the game at and played twister and you recorded him and you are still going on about what a cunt this guy is i mean seriously kayla and molly is she always going on about how much she hates him cause it sounds to me that it actually might be the opposite.

Well have fun in Las Vegas for what ever reason your going cause i just got confused in that paragraph all i good decipher was that you guys have some sort of show coming up and sarahs leaving itt ill the last minute to memorise her lines. do you really need to memorise them? cant you just go along with what the people are saying and move your lips or you got like a solo.

also i didnt know anything about whats happening in nunn, i actually didnt even know diane was getting married till about 3 weeks ago when i was speaking to tony and it came up in regular conversation so on current affairs im the last person to ask.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Scrrreeeeems of Glee!! (roll the "r"'s)

Yay!! You guys finally posted!! I totally wanted to do some anniversary thing for the 100th post, but I couldn't quite figure out how to work. I'll do it at 150, 'cause by then I will have figured it out. The tape of the Twister is only about 1min long, and it's got Jamie's stupid face in it since I was pointing out that he was a waste of space and stupid and retarded and gay and whatever, which contradicted my own point by me filming the waste of space. Anyway....

I (we - Kayla and I) have choir practice here in about half an hour, so I'm posting quickly before we have to go. I just started the seventh Harry Potter book yesterday, and I'll finish it tonight since there's no point in doing any homework since I'm leaving on Wednesday for Las Vegas. Brooke's wedding. Yay - and not so much. Whatever. Ms. Hensley was the one that convinced me to go, otherwise I'd be staying here with Luke and Dad. I plan to finish memorizing all my lines for the Stage Manager while we're on this trip. My mom says that once she starts getting tired I can start reciting them out loud to keep her awake, which is great! Kayla, don't be mad at me, please, for not having these memorized earlier!! We both know I procrastinate like crazy. At least I'm getting it done before November! (just a side note, the play is Nov. 5, so yeah, major head start for me).

Joe, Mummy says hi. Did you know my mom is doing the engagement pictures for Diane and Mike? Cool huh? Maybe this will finally make them get along again - you know, since the whole Toby thing from when we went to New Zealand.

Anyway, I totally had something maybe somewhat interesting to say before, and now iv'e completely forgotten it, so, yeah. I'm going to go learn how to dance to our murdered medley from Tarzan (long live Phil Collins!!!) Ciao!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hello everybody! That is very exciting that we've gotten 100 posts! How cool is that? Well, we'll probably have a video clip to add to photobucket when Sarah posts it (and I do hope you feel better soon my dear. Food poisoning sucks.) Anyway, the other day, (cool it rhymed!) A bunch of us got together at Sarah's house and played Monopoly. Shawn ended up bankrupt, Tony joined forces with me, and Sarah became a Benadict Arnold and joined with Derrick instead of with me and Tony. Traitor! But then we decided to play Twister, and that's where the footage comes in. It was pretty funny! So Sarah should have that up soon. Anyway, I've got to go get ready to go to the corn maze/movie (it's raining, so the corn maze might be out of the question.....) so I'll post some other groovy time! Toodles!!!!

P.S. Did we change the background for our blog? I swore it was green, but maybe I'm just pulling a blonde moment.........

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We officially got 100 posts

ok guys i dont think any1 noticed but my last post was the 100th post of this blog. thats quite an accomplishment for every1 who participated.

Well Molly i hope your getting better please try stay in bed even though its boring atleast you'll get better sooner and will be able to share your humour with the rest of us cause im sure you've developed quite alot of built up ideas in your time laying in bed.

Monday, October 8, 2007

My sincerest appologies.

Okay, I know I haven't posted in a while, but my computer at home is about to crash and we can only keep it on for about 20 minutes at a time. Unfortunately, my mom uses up those 20 minutes. And I normally post in Graphic Design(which I'm in now) but we've been working on this project which has been taking me the whole hour. So, yeah. Now you know. I'm glad you're not in pain anymore Molly, but Sarah tells me that you've been getting up and walking around when you're not supposed to! Bad Girl! *rubs nose on the carpet* (I know you didn't wet yourself, but get it.) Oh the bell just rang I've got to go. Joe, go to bed and/or study!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Joys of an Education

Sorry all for me not posting in a while but i started University this week and well its been really hectic the place is completely dis organised and my timetable changes on a daily basis plus waking up at 7 doesnt really help. i know your all used to it but i haven woken up at 7 since....May i think when i finished my exams so bear with me on my long summer and ability to be a lazy bugger, it was great while it lasted.

Well Molly im sorry for you turning into a breeding ground for bacteria and i hope that you return to your creative and imaginative mind as before.

ok enough of the serious talk. sarah seriously you took 66 pictures of yourself how the hell did you manage to stay for them all i hate taking one let alone that much, did the rest of you do the same thing or what. is your last year that much of a big deal for you all?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A whop bop walla........whatever.

Okay, so, wtf? I know Molly is trying not to die, so I can understand why she isn't writing, but where are all of you? I'm gonna start singing that song - "I'm all alone - there's no one writing with ah-me!!!"

So, yeah. How's life?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good Morning ^_^

I should be getting ready for school, but I'm not taking a shower this morning because I have weights class, so I take one after school. Pretty sure none of you cares about this fact, but hey. If it ever comes up in a trivia quiz - and you know it will because I am just that damn popular - you'll have the answer. You should feel so lucky.

Anyway, how have the stream of events been flowing, flooding, swimming, diving - Olympic training been going for everyone? I know Molly is wanting to kill whoever invented feeling sick and being unable to do anything about it, which I understand and feel sorry for. Why can't doctors just make you all better with a magic wand or something? They should've invented that by now...

I ended up doing my report of Dissociative Fugue - Formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Kind of entertaining. Hooray for Sybil. Kayla, what was it you did yours on again? Wasn't it something like Avoidant personality something or other? I really was listening to your presentation and I remember what it was all about, I just can't remember the name....My bad.

I finally got all my damn senior pictures taken care of. They were taken a while ago, but I just got them printed and am taking them to school today and tomorrow to have people pick out what they want for wallets (if any) and which ones should be in the yearbook and slide show because I don't want to pick. Grrr....My dad walked in when I was sorting out which ones to put into the album (66 total - well, serious ones anyway - then there's some goofy screwups) and said, "Good god that's some vanity. I've never had that many pictures taken of me in my lifetime." Oh, and Molly, whenever you feel better, Mrs. Otto wants to do the coffee shop drawing thing still, and so do I. I told her you'd had surgery so we might have to wait a while, but she said whenever you're up to it she'd love to do it still. And also whenever you're ready, I still really want to do pictures with you. Of course, with my $24 paycheck, we may have to wait a while to get all the fun stuff we want to do, but then we can still do some goofy ones with whatever we've got. ^_^

I gotta go get ready since it's 6:30 now. Talk to you chums later!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Icky Icky Icky

I'm so happy for you Molly!! No more nasty pain and sickness. It'll all be better, now. You won't have to worry about being in excruciating pain anymore! Least aways from that.

Anwyho - Molly, I thought that was quite clever of you. I laughed, in any case. But hey, that's just me. And I haven't even seen the show. Papuwa was pretty damn funny - if that's what it was called. I must say I have never seen a transvestite fish before...

I just got a notice in the mail that I have to fill out a victim's report for the court. I also get to go to court. At this point, I don't have to, but there's a hearing date set to try and find "probable cause" - if they find it, the case will continue. If they don't the charges will be dropped. I don't know if I should be nervous or pissed off. This is kinda weird.....

So anyway. One fish Two fish Red fish and then a Republican fish from Jamaica with nothing better to do than lay around eating sun chips and roasting.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thats my Job

Well its great that your operation was a success, and also if you would have let it be more then 10 minutes before posting the articles we might have noticed, your so self centred thinking that no1 else would've got that, thats my job ok?? i make up the quick witted( in this case we cant really do quick witted but you get where im going ) comments.
So did you get to keep the remenants they took out cause that would be a cool ornament.


The title Ah! My Gallblader! Is making fun of Sarah's Ah! My Goddess! (which is a pretty good show) Incase no one noticed. Well I thought it was funny...

Ah! My Gallbladder!

Well, I am officially one Gallbladder shorter, and I have to say, one day after having an organ removed, I feel mighty fine.... Besides my dog jumping on me and the whole sleeping thing and the large incision on my belly button. Its bruising quite nicely, but the other three incisions are petty small, one is like this big (--) another (----) and the other is like this big (--------) and my belly button one is bigger, but I'm not sure how much because i haven't taken the bandage off, I'm affraid. I'm so happy that its finally gone, but I am none to pleased about the already piling up load of already past due homework and papers that I have to write.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Vibrado!! Woot woot.

Bad vibes? What do you mean? And there is no post above yours (at least, now there is, but that's because I put it there...) The Ah! My Goddess! thing is an anime show that I've never seen, but a while ago it was determined that Charles and Molly were both God, but whenever I said "Oh my god", just as a statement to something and Charles would respond, Molly never answered, so she became the goddess that I'm supposed to hail and everything. So, yeah. There's that little story if that's what was freaking you out.

If it was the Mr. Cochran thing - I told you that story the last time you came back. Remember he was my history teacher that ended up being "passionate" about more than just history (the total asshole that said it was "only 5%")? Well, he's getting arrested. Go to , type in "Cochran" in the little search thing at the top, and click on the first article that comes up. It's only small, but that's what was in the paper, and I guess it was on the news too. So, yeah. There's that for you ^_^

Feel better?


WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED, ok im getting some really bad vibes from that post above so can someone please explain this to me cause i've got some very disturbing images in my head.

Also molly i can sense what your doing so i can take a step ahead of you and diminish your ideas MUAHAHAHA cough cough damn need to learn how to do that without coughing ruins the dramatisation.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ah! My Goddess!! (That would be Molly)

You are such a life saver. I have to start working on that's due on Wednesday and I haven't started it yet. I'm going to use one of the ones you mentioned, I'm just not sure yet. I think I'm going with the first one...I like that one (in the way that any one person can like a disorder or whatever without sounding like I want to kidnap a bunch of people that have it and watch them suffer - or make them think they're suffering...hmm...) So anyway.

I have decided that I very much love arrest warrants. I've had just about everyone that knows about "Mr. Cochran" call me and pull me away and ask me if I've read the newspaper or watched the news. I still haven't, no, but the detective called us before it was published or aired, so I do know. I am so freaking excited!!!!! Yay!! I might have to go to court and testify or whatever, but even if I don't, I'm going anyway. When I found out that he had yesterday and today to turn himself in or they were going to get him, I seriously screamed and hugged Ms. Marsh (the counselor at our school). Kayla screamed when I told her too. Woot woot!

Okay, I'm going to go watch a movie or something and then do some homework...or maybe do my homework while watching a movie. Or just do homework. I don't know. Talk to you all later!! Ciao!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Damnit Joe!

How dare you post while I am posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like your little geography lesson, it reminds of some cartoon where the character cuts in to explain something....

won, and one only

Sarah, it's spelled "allowed" not "aloud"(well, in your situation). Here is one and only one suggestion..... Hypochondria. Yes, I know I am brilliant. It's like biology disorder project meets Psychology disorder project, after all, as they say, its all in your head right? How about dimentia? That could be interesting... Body dysmorphic disorder, anyone? A little posttraumatic stress for you? How about some food whilst sleeping? Maybe a phantom limb or two? Okay, so that was more than one suggestion, but you two should be thankful because I had to think deep to find some wierd ones.... in any case my tummy's grumbling and I myself have a shit load of psychology homework and chinese characters to memorize.

Bipolarism, Schizophrenia and Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Thoose are two mental illness you can use, though the latter is probably more commonly known. though im sure you can find others, while OCD is rather easy as alot of people tend to have it.
Sorry i havent been on in a while but i been in gozo since monday( a quick geography lesson, gozo is an other island in the maltese archipeligo where some maltese go and relax since its less built up then malta.) and im going back up again 2mrw till monday

I dont have any pictures of myself cause im not very photogenic, the only way to grasp me is to experience me.

Hey Vic isn't burningman that weird religous festival where people just go to get drunk and fornicate? or am i mistaking it with something else?

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Okay, I don't have a mental illness either to present, so put more than one suggestion when you post. All righty then. I'm sitting in graphic design, and there is nothing to do, so I'm posting. I put a hamster on the moon in my picture. His name is Felicity, and he likes to sing. I could probably figure out how to post him on photobucket for you all to see. Other than that I really don't have anything else to say. Except maybe ;sdlfkha wgowerhg;eogih ;sfdlkawhg;eworithaew;gohg;egoihr;p ;oregihae;gohye;oywlytjhye. It's a foreign language I swear(see? shit! fuck! heehee) Okay, gotta go!!!! Toodles!!!

Okey Dokey

Well alrighty then. I was just trying to make him because I didn't want to research a mental illness for Psych. I still can't think of a really good one to do a presentation on....Hmm....Any ideas? I think I'm allowed to do phobias too, so if anyone can think of a really good one, that'd be handy. ^_^

Monday, September 10, 2007


How about Jamie DOESN'T join....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Happy Cheez-Its

SO what now? Joe, seriously, you had such a brilliant idea with that photobucket thing. You need to put some pictures of you on there before I do. Just so you know. I have only two, and while one of them is decent in looks and nature, the other one is of what Diane did to you. So I think you should put some of yourself on there for the viewing pleasures of others.

I'm sitting in Psych class with Kayla and Jamie. Kayla is actually doing her work like I should be, but I'm kind of lazy. Props for Kayla!! She says that she is making it look like she's doing something. We're supposed to finding mental illnesses to reasearch and present. I'm not doing it yet.

I was just trying to get Jamie to join the blog (hehehe) but he won't do it. Oh well.

So anyway, how are all of you? I just slept in choir and woke up to Mr. Pederson taking pictures of me and of Molly Patrick. Speaking of pictures, Molly, whenever you're ready. My face is not happy with the ice cream I ate after the accident, but it should get over it soon. Until then, yeah. Whenever. There's always Adobe ^_^

I can't think of anything else to write, so I'm going to go and send e-cards to people. Or just look up stupid stuff on the internet. I don't know. I'll just find some way to entertain myself.

Hope ya'll are having a magicalisticalishnessoscityminiminizer of a day. Ciao lovelies!


That is so cool! I can't wait to go see it. I would right now, but I'm in the tech lab at school, and I don't think it will take me there. So yeah. What's with the whole fork/spork thing? I'm so damn confused (then again, when am I not.....) I really have nothing else to say. Let's see......pickles and crickets? Yeah. I'll post later when I actually have something to say. Oh, and I'm glad to see you posted a comment Vic. Where the hell is Burmington? (Yeah, don't know the spelling.....) Ciao my little friends I keep in the computer!!!! ~Fluffy

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's Alive!!!!!

Im glad to see that my creation works, i knew women couldn't resist parading their pictures on public sites for all to see haha. now i'll see them later when i need entertaining

also sarah i would be surprised if you guys filmed your self doing something thats not how you act i mean read the entire blog we probably have the most entertaining discussions, just random crap with a few smart comments. now if you guys were to film yourself then it has more action and able to create a more entertainable form of communication.

also sorry for the lack of enthusiasm in the post but im kind of tired

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fine then - I'll spork you instead.

I just posted I think 3 pictures onto photobucket. Two of them are of me and Kayla. Last night her mom came over to edit pictures, so me and her started playing with the camera. Kind of sad, really, and most of the pictures are really weird because I was warping them. So I just put two semi-decent ones on there. None of the ones we took were in "normal" setting, so one of them I think is "colored pencil" and the other is "comic book". The third one is of just Kayla and I swear she looks like Reese Witherspoon in it. It's really weird....Anyway...

Thanks so much Molly for advertising my stupidity. ^_^ And I mean that with all sincerity. I see where the fork thing came from now. Ha ha, I get it. At least you didn't put up the ones on your phone from your house. That would not be so bueno. You need to come over here so we can take some goofy pictures too. It's so much fun. I freakin' love it. Kayla and I also made a video too, but it was ten minutes of nothing intelligent whatsoever, so I wasn't going to put that up there. Did you ask my mom if you could use her Sony? I'm pretty sure she'll let you....

I'm gonna go finish my government homework since I gave up on my physics. I just do not understand that class. Hopefully I can make it through. I might drop it at semester if I can't get an A in the class...I need a 4.0 GPA and that class will kill it for me...

Ta ta children!!!

Sarah! Just put the damn fork down!

Okay, so i uploaded 2 pictures on photobucket, this is going to be fun! They are stupid photos of Sarah..... I know, shocking! From Dowdy Lake, that was an awesome two days. Sarah.... that piercer was REALLY hot. If you weren't so flaky you'd know that.... : ( My ears are in agonizing pain... Vicodin does nothing, it is a useless, useless drug. I am so gonna get fired, I've missed sooo much work. That would almost be alright with me, I hate my job : ( Blech......

Monday, September 3, 2007


Joe, you are totally brilliant. If I had found that before the accident, I would have though to take pictures. Unfortunately, there are none. And no, Joe, I am not "forgetting" to mention anything to you. It was the guys fault in part for turning on his indicator, but then I was going too fast and, yeah. It was my fault. It's all good though because it's a really easy thing to go with and there's no point in fighting it. My mom is getting a new and is forcing me to drive the truck. And here I was thinking she'd forbid me to drive ever again. Oh no. Not so lucky. She wants me to drive the truck as often as possible - and then we have to register it. I think that just makes it better - not only does she want me to drive, she wants me to drive an illegal vehicle. My driving in itself was only just recently legalized. *rolls eyes* Ah well. Oh, and hey, what the hell happened to Victor? I haven't seen any comments for a long while. You still here, Victor oh buddy?

Molly, I hope all is well with you and everything - and I'm looking forward to feeding my eyes with this proposed eye candy of yours. I am so totally excited. I'm sitting at work writing this, so I'm supposing I should actually do work - since it is almost 9pm....I'll talk to all you little bunnies later - Ciao!!!

An idea in expansion

ok guys i was thinking and it occured to me, how could we entertain ourselves even more through our online activity? pictures, i mean we're always talking about the stupid stuff we did, ok maybe you guys are, so i created this account through photobucket for us to upload pictures we have and share them with everyone on the board. so just go to and the username is mryamata in honour of our lost friend and the password is thebubble. i already uploaded one picture, i just look up the name yamata on google pictures and got the first interesting thing that came up, ah card of of one of thoose collectible card games with a yamata dragon on it. well hopefully everyone can use it and we can share your... i mean our hilarious predicaments.

also sarah if the person driving didnt signal with an indicator then technically it's their fault right? or is there aomething your leaving out?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Any cliffs handy?

Okay, so now that Molly has called me back and is in fact sitting in my living room with me at this very moment, that part is all good. On the other hand, I just got in my first car accident. I seriously want to jump out my window, I feel terrible. I was heading home on Hwy85 (Joe, you know that main road through Nunn?) And there as a car in front of me that was slowing down to turn. He didn't have his turn signal on, but from where he was on the road, it looked like he was going to turn left. So I figured I would pass on the right. I slowed down a little and started to pull around him, but then he turned right. I hit the brakes and tried to turn with him, but I was going too fast and I hit him. it wasn't really that bad for them, but I screwed the left front fender on my mom's MERCEDES FUCKING BENZ. I knew they were all okay, but I was mortified at the thought of what my mom would do when she found out. Nobody was hurt or anything and my mom started laughing when she showed up. The cops came and I owe a $60 fine for careless driving and God knows how much for fixing the guy's car. Molly and my mom keep taking the mickey out of me for, which I know I deserve. I tell you what though, I will never pass another person as long as I live and the moment I can afford it I am buying my mom seven new Mercedes.

Anyway, how are all of you doing? lol Oh, and Molly replaced Mr. Yamata with a creepy little gray thingy from .hack//sign. It seriously freaks me out. Molly, even though you're sitting about 7 feet away from me right now (but won't be when you read this), how can you possibly think that thing is so terribly cute?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Hello my peepskulls. Okay, I can't believe that Jamie would be that stupid. Oh and Joe, (heehee that rhymed) I thought I would tell you that Jamie is a kid that goes to our school and is in our grade. He's okay most of the time, but sometimes.............ughh! He's kind of geeky, but whatever. I thought I'd tell you a little bit more about him since Sarah's explanation only included another fuck along with moron. Okay. Too much of this post has been dedicated to Jamie. Moving on............................Molly, you should call Sarah, because seriously, she is FREAKING OUT!!!!!!! She has yelled at Jamie quite frequently actually, and she's not letting him live it down. She really is SOOOOOO sorry about how it sounded on your end of the line. Fucking ferrets. Why do they have to inhabit such numbskulls? Anyway, I've got to go and "translate" Jabberwocky". Ciao my beautiful chidlets!!!!! ; )

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hello my oh-so-chewable Funyons.....

I asked Kayla about the sentence thing at school and she was talking about my stupid long hyphenated sentence - she just didn't realize who posted it. ^_^ Hehehe - makes me giggle. But it's all right.

Jamie is a stupid fucking (yes I said it) moron. Molly called me to talk to me about what had happened and to tell me that she had to get the surgery, and then stupid Jamie and his dumb brother started to hit me with pillows. It hurt really bad and I was trying to talk to her, but I was so damn mad about it that I was laughing, which wasn't good and I am SO SORRY MOLLY!!! Ugh. Stupid moron.

Anyway, I've actually got my own computer now - one that works (yay!!!), so, yeah. Not that that means anything special, but that I can totally IM you guys without worrying about getting caught, which is handy. I've got to go do my math homework, so I'll talk to you all later. Ciao!!!

And Molly, please call me back? Or at least let me call you.....

Monday, August 27, 2007

People Like You...

Don't worry molly you won't die, people like you are needed in the world thye help keep balance in the world and show everyone a new perspective thus you sha'll be protected by the forces of equilibrium.

sarah i think they were referring the my first sentence or the fact that that post was the longest post i've ever posted.

Who may i ask is jamie? cause i don't think i've ever heard sarah say fuck so this person must be rather special in some way.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Oh my GOD Molly! You have to call me back! I've been seriously so nervous, and it's not even me getting the surgery. Oh, and by the way, I refuse point blank to write you a eulogy (thank you for reminding me what the word was, by the way.....I'm kind of retarded when it comes to remembering big words like that) because you are NOT going to die!!! Now that the problem has been identified and is going to be fixed, you're going to be all better and you're going to feel better and you're going to be able to go through a day without agonizing pain. I will seriously miss out on school to stay with you during your surgery - or at least in the hospital since I doubt they're going to let me into the operating room. I will stay with you overnight if you want me to until you're feeling better, which you will be ^_^ You have to call me back - please!! Fucking Jamie was being such an ass - and I chewed him out when you hung up. What time do you get off work on Saturdays? Is it normal time? Because you should totally come over and hang out or something.

*sigh* Anyway, yes Kayla, Shane is joining, he just needs access to a computer I think. And what sentence did Joe write that was really long 'cause I can't find it. (sad, I know, but really, it is me afterall).

I have to go finish cleaning. I'm sitting at work using Tanya's computer. ^_^ Hehehe. Mine should be here on Thursday - but until then, I'm kind of bumming off everyone else.

Ciao my beautiful children!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007


Molly, I hope everything goes okay, and I love you to death! (Oh wait......) No, Molly you won't die. I'll make sure the doctor knows the stakes on his life before he operates. It will be okay. I promise. Okay, I really don't have much to talk about (another side effect of no life....) so I think we need a debatable topic that will keep us busy for a while. Unfortunately I don't know what that topic would be, so ideas would be helpful. Sarah, it sucks I only have two classes with you! I'm bored like all day! Vic, I was wondering........if France is full of wine and smelly cheese what is Finland full of? Joe, I loved the long sentency thing. It reminded me of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, or however you spell that damn word. Sarah, is your cousin joining or what? I'm confused. Okay, I'm done now because my brain just glitched from an overloaded hard-drive. See ya!

Its called a Eulogy, and you better start writing mine...

Ehk...... I hate the word bittersweet, but that is exactly how my situation is. My doctor had me take a HIDA scan, so I layed perfectly still for TWO HOURS while a technician injected a horrible stimulant into me that made the longest threes minutes of my life- horrible pain, he purposely made my gallbladder work REALLY hard so that it would take my normal symptoms and times them by like 5------ Pain=bad gall bladder. In the end there is a percentage kicked out of the computer (how much the bile from you liver is dumping) and 35% and up is what is considered normal. Mine is 19%. So now, all that I can do is have surgery, and this is where the bittersweet comes in...... Bitter because surgery sucks.... sweet because now I finally know whats wrong with me. Phooey, Im scared! What if I die??????????????? Sarah! You better write me a eulogy! And it better be good or I'm gonna haunt you until you're forced to kill yourself in a fit of passion! Okay, not really.... but I'll be crying! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bleh........!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Life's a drag, so pass it on. It might end up fun!!

So how are all my children doing? (That sounds like a soap opera - All My Children - oh wait....)

Anyway, Joe, your drunken ramblings amuse me. ^_^ Props to you. And I loved your little whatever-the-word-is-that-is-that-thing-read-at-a-funeral-starting-with-an-E That you posted.
Do you know how hard it is for me to type without the spacebar? It takes me about two minutes to get a continuous line like that out.

Molly, I hope you are feeling better!! If you're not, then I hope you turn magical and get magicked better, which would be pretty damn handy.

Has anybody here read Harry Potter 7? I know Molly is getting there, but has anyone else read it?

I have to go do my College Prep and Physics hmwk now, so I'll talk to you all later.

Like sands in an hour glass, these, are the Days of Our Lives. (hehehe - I make myself giggle)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Sad Day

It is a sad day for all car ornaments as the death of another always is tragic and so very unexpected. We sha'll honour Mr. Yamada's memory by never forgetting his teachings to us and use them through life. We should bury him outdoors so he can be amoung nature again.

Yeah i got over that ok, sorry for having to expose you to my drunken ramblings and it took me about 5 minutes to write believe it or not i actually thought about that..... somewhat... kind of... not really i just blabbed what came into my mind as i wrote the message.

Also is Molly ok if she's going through surgery?

and again where is it that Victor lives?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


This will probably be the shortest post I but I feel that I must pretend to contribute something to my little bubble of life that isn't a bubble and has no life. Molly, I think we should have a ceremony for the yeti that I spent so much on for you. I took such careful care of him all the way home - and for such a thing to happen!! It is so tragic that we're going to have to go back to Florida and get you one of his cousins. Unless you feel he can never be replaced, in which case we will get you one of his gods.

Joe, I totally love you. I hope your hangover wasn't too bad, and I am also curious as to how long it took you to write that out. I'm going with Kayla on the 5-10 minute guess.

I gotta go swim, so I'll talk to you guys later. ^_^

Oh, and yes, Molly, we shall have to do a photo shoot when you are NOT dying of anything crazy and are NOT going through sooper-fun surgery. (and yes, I spelled super "sooper" on purpose.)

This wasn't as short as I intended it to be.........

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mr. Yamada is DEAD

Yeah, thats right, I said it, he's dead... I guess when my car broke down and I took him out, I left him sitting on the china cabinet in the kitchen and my mum threw him away........ ergh, yeah so my heart has officially been broken. Oh poor sanguinius (sp??) How the world hath smote thee my love, I shall ne'er forget yee. This is about the time I start spouting out Adalaide Proctor but I'm far too tired for that. Sarah, I suppose our photoshoot shall have to commence next weekend assuming I'm not dying or undergoing fun surgery!!! Its all for you Mr. Yamada, maybe I will start a charity organization in your honor, or name a street after you--- "Yamada Lane" The soud rings poetry through my ears, and brings tears to my eyes. Rest in peace my dear friend and may [insert religious or political figure here] be with you. Someday, I shall see you again...

Oh yeah?! Well I say GERBILS!!!

Joe, I must ask how long it took you to type in capital letters 'fucking wasted'. If you are that wasted, I'm going to bet.............ummm.............5-10 minutes? And if you want to talk about the mating of an animal, talk about fucking rabbits if anything else. (Molly, Lythande, and Sarah should get this one hahahaha rabbits. heeeheee) Well, mine and Sarah's doom commences in a mere 68 hours, 21 minutes and 4 seconds as of Of course it won't be that by the time I post this and it won't be that when you guys read it, but I really don't give a shit. (You can tell I'm in a good mood, huh?) Sarah, I have found my book. I finished Huck Finn which happened to be on the list. So I now have to go through and mark shit so that it looks like I actually did something. But I think that you and I are probably in MUCH better shape than the rest of our class will be. But thank you anyways for the offer of your selection!!! *grin* Oh, and yes, it is BLASPHEMOUS to even THINK about having only one type of coffee ever!!! It's a bloody hell bringer to even think it. (I sound like some nun talking about eternal damnation! Oh well, it really doesn't matter considering you guys, or at least most of you know my thoughts on religion. *evil twisted grin* ) So how is everyone else? I'm guessing not much is going on considering that the last couple posts have been about coffee and hamsters. (oh what the people who have a life are missing out on.......) Oh, and those that have a life can go jump off a cliff in hoards like the lemmings. Sarah, you and I will have to brain storm on how to accomplish executing your mentally-ill-heroin-addict boss. And all of you are glad to pitch in some devilish ideas. Okay I gotta go!!! Ciao!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


i find it rather annoyign that your message incluyding 3 things that you did not mention in your post cause like hansters are cool because you cna make reference to how much they mate....

Any6ways what you woreking as this year?

also0 im rather curious where are you from Vic?

ASnd HAA you start school while i start in October.

(laos sorry for the bad writing but im FUCKING WASTED)

Pillows and Blankets and Teeny Tiny Hamsters

Wow, you people are so fascinating I can hardly control myself. No, really. It's true. Not even Victor is commenting anymore.

Ah well. Joe, I'm sorry to disappoint but, as I know you know, nothing interesting has been going on here at all. Which I know depresses you greatly, but fear not!! Perhaps the future holds something interesting.....You just never know.

Ugh - I can't believe that school starts again on Thursday. Totally evil!!! Hey Kayla, have you found your third book yet? I have three or four from the list if you want to borrow one. You can write in them too, if you'd like. ^_^ Or you can just use the notes I already made.

Molly Molly Molly - when do you want to do the pictures? I know you asked me earlier last week if we could do them today, but, yeah. So when do you want to do them? Hmm? Hmm?

I gotta go to my job - which I love. I love my job. I love my job. I. Love. My. Job. *deep breath*
I have got to kill my boss.....

See ya later!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Admitting it is the first step

Sarah what you said is basically what an addict does, you should tape your self with not having coffee for a whole day then watch it and see how you would start getting nervous untill you do. i think it would be rather amusing seeing you hooked on something.

So anyone got anything itneresting that we can make fun of you i mean talk about?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hmm Hmm Hmm (and a lot of little dots)

Joe you make a very good point. I totally agree with you. I have discovered lately that having a life costs absolutely way too much. My reality check bounced, so I'm a little worried for these people that have them. They're gonna end up in a really big hole with a very angry person or bunch of people looking down on them and grumbling very loudly, somewhat like yelling.

Oh, and I just
have to ask this:


I do not know how you survive. Just ask Molly and/or Kayla and they'll tell you what I'm like when I have coffee - or what happens when I am deprived of it. *sighz* I'm not addicted, but I do very much, do I say....I guess you could say that I am pretty much


So, anyway. How are the rest of you doing? School starts for me and Kayla next week, so, yeah. That pretty much sucks. Or rather, it bites. Which really hurts, mind you. (note for Molly and Kayla: ***Dane Cook moment!!!*** "That's not necessary. That hurts." )

I sent an invite to my cousin Shane, so he might be joining us soon(ish). I gotsta go afore I get into reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly big trooble from Daedy. He not so happy tooodaey. Talk to you people (or...whatever....) later! Ciao doooodes.

Now playing: The Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 3, 2007

Well it Rhymed

Well that poem rhymed a lot except for when u mentioned the butter and the truck driver. but i have to admit you managed to come up with something so good work for that.

Also people are normally depressed when its raining outside cause unlike us people have lifes. now a life is were you go out to places with a bunch of your friends and so if its raining you can't go out thus they become depressed. fascinating aren't they these lives i've only stumbled upon them recently so further information is required for us to find out what they truly are.

Also why do you people have so many different coffee's we have the one that comes in a jar and that's it if you want good coffee it's a matter of learning how to do them.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Woot! Woot! And a really big bus

Doo Dah Doo Dah doo doo doo do dee dododo, dee doo dee doo dah deeeeeeee

Miss Fluffy Queen of the lots of things while I was in NZ, you amaze me. I shall have to post my little buffalo - or, rather, my pink fluffy high maintenance buffalo - story when I am finished with it. It's amazing the thoughts that come into your mind whilst sitting among a bunch of fifteen year olds and an old lady teaching driver's ed (sad, I know) who doesn't know what a 3 point turn is.....

Dearest Kayla, whenever you want coffee, by all means let me know and I shall bring you some. I have French Vanilla cappuccino, French Roast, Folgers (and do not tell me that's the best part of waking up because it really just ruins your whole day. Folgers is disgusting. You take a sip, are revolted entirely by its grossness, and then you think all day about how horrible and vile that sip of wannabe coffee really was. You ponder destroying the people that lied to you and tricked you into drinking it by saying that it really was the best part of waking up and paying those people big bucks to pretend it actually smelled good - and you know it wasn't Folgers in those cups of coffee they were actually drinking from.), a dark roast which is particularly nice with about 1c of creamer in it, and a couple of others I don't remember and don't care to look for. But honestly, just let me know if you ever need coffee. The rest of you are screwed so don't even ask. I am so not walking that far.

There's an orange cat sitting out the window eating the cat food that wasn't intended for it specifically right now. It looks all skinny and diminished, so I shall let it enjoy its marvelous feast of icky jellymeat from Friskies (which you know a man came up with).

I'm gonna go pretend I have a life and study for my test tomorrow (since I failed the first time around) so I can get my permit. So sad that I am 17 and only just now getting a permit.....god I'm pathetic....

I love you all

In case you were wondering.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Okay, so I'm really tired right now, but I'm not that sleepy. Plus I really REALLY want coffee!!! Plus I'm bored out of my fucking mind, so I decided I would annoy you guys with my sleepless ranting and ravings. I posted earlier tonight (not that I really NEED to tell you that, you should know by the date on the post) But boredom is a part of all of our worlds apparently, because you can see it in past postings. And now, I will recite a poem:

There once was a cat named Jake,
One day he played with a rake,
The rake fell on his head,
And now poor Jake's dead,
Well that serves him right
He shouldn't jump on the bed
He blew out the light
Man his owner turned red
Butter is cool,
and the truck driver sped
but not before on his bread did he spread
that icky butter that's all full of lead
That poisoned the dog
along with the hog
and the creepy old turtle
down by the bog
coffee is cool
coffee is great
coffee bean and water
went out on a date
I'm all out of rhymes
you guys must be sad
I have no more words
that's all that I had
And now I will head
upstairs to my bed
I will turn out the light
and to you I say good night.

Oh hell yes, I could be the next Doctor Freakin' Suess!!! Okay, well I have to go now. I really am tired. I think I posted enough for tonight(bet you wish you hadn't invited me back huh...;P ) That's it for tonight, join us again tomorrow morning for good morning Colorado at 6:00. I'm Kayla Sharee, signing off!!!

Your Bio daddy?!

Sarah, I'm glad you didn't join the Navy. I woulda missed my bestiest friend!(no offense to the rest of you guys.....)Okay, why all of the sudden is Gary deciding to communicate now? What happened to the other 16 and a half YEARS of your life? Well, I'd say it's okay to talk to him over the net, but I personally wouldn't go much farther than that. But that's just me.

Joe, I'm very sorry about your exams. That sucks rocks.

Victor, I'm sorry, I do know who you are. It didn't occur to me that you were Sarah's friend off the net until after I wrote the blog. My sincerest apologies. *curtsy* Will you forgive me?*sad but adorable puppy eyes*........Anyway, what the hell is going on with everybody? I'm fine, but that's just me. I'm oblivious to the rest of the world........okay, um.......random question to get a conversation going....why is it that when it's all cloudy and rainy (like it is right now, it's pouring cats and dogs) people get all depressed, well most of them, but they always wait for it to rain just for the smell? Huh, huh, HUH? Okay, I'm side tracking into another universe, so I'm just going to post this now.

And for the Following....

KAYLA!! OH MY FREAKIN' GOD (or in Molly's case, Goddess....or whatever)!!! I CAN'T BELEIVE MINE EYES!!! That's pretty cool that you finally decided to show up. And don't worry, I won't tell anybody that I helped you get back into the site and blog over the phone. Your secret is safe with me!!!

Joe - I am going to take what you said about the Navy as a really big compliment. ^_^ Sucks about your exams though...bummer babe.

Okay, so I'm totally gonna tell you all a secret that will send me straight to my grave if you mention it to anyone outside this blog. My bio-daddy Gary has been e-mailing me and asking me for my address. I'm not going to to give it to him, obviously, but still. Any thoughts? Comments? Just DON'T TELL MY MOTHER. I will be slain instantly by the dragon that isn't a dragon, and as much as some of you might find that amusing (which I can understand, by the way - I would too and I'm the one being eaten...), it is still not such a bueno thing.

Anyway, would anybody mind if I invited my cousin to the blog? No? Wonderful.

Gots-ta go and pretend I can sleep since it is, after all, half past midnight. I'll talk to you all later!!

Love ya kiddos ^_^

Thursday, July 26, 2007

An Idea

Well i've been out enjoying my summer but i got my results of my exams so now i need to start studying for my exams in september so im pretty much fucked.

Well sarah it's good you ddint join the navy cause you wouldn't fit in over there your for the navy.

how's the website going you guys got any of the videos uploaded to i can birghten up my day knowing im not as bored as you people :P

we should get together on the internet and have a full blown conversation imagine to creative shit that will come out in that.


Okay, so I haven't posted since like the same week this blog was created. But I've SOOOO busy you know............okay not really. I kind just forgot my password........go ahead and laugh, I really don't give a shit. So, Molly, I love the name of your yeti, Joe, herbal tea freakin' rocks so you better not diss it, and I don't really know the other people in the blog at this point except Lythande. Hey Lythande, what's up. So yeah, here I am. doodle-oo-doo-dee-dum-um-um-um...........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In the land where I was born

A great many things happened, a lot of people died, I became president and wiped out my entire country (single-handedly, I might mention). Anyway, so I didn't join the Navy yesterday. I was gonna, but then I figured I needed to wait. So are you all? Nobody else has written in forever..


Love you all sincerely and dearly ^_^ kisskiss

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hey you hobos!!!

Woot woot!! So how's life? Livin' livin' livin. Hey - Miss Molly, Luke has been doing some seriously freakin' hilarious stuff that I've been taping and he wants me to put it on our website. Something like a duo or something. I thought it would be an intersting little ting to do (going for an accent of sorts). Anyway, I gotta go fill out a ting-uh-mah-jeeg for de oo-es to change ma nahm on ma Resideint alien card to Loffhagen.

Wow I'm bored.....

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Crazy Girl With No Life

Wow - so I'm going nuts. Mummy and Daddy really really really really want me to join the Navy, and at this point, I might......hmmmm

Anyway, this dancey singey acty whatevery the helly it ends up gonna be so much freakin' fun. It is my entire ability - or lack thereof - to stand on two feet (or just one - in which you are right in saying I can't - ergo the hopping) that is going to make us famous. Or at least make me very much laughed at, which works just as well and keeps me happy. *sighz* Anyway.

My mind is not so funny and creative right now, so I apologize for the boringness of this post.

Molly I totally look forward to the Zumba in twelve hours and I finally watched the damn shoes video on You Tube - as well as some 20 minute Mario thing that was freakin' hilarious. Now we have to find the video with Jim Carrey and Will Ferrel and the hot tub. This should be interesting.....

Friday, July 6, 2007

Things Starting With A

Ok i'm not sure weather to laugh or get scared cause seeing sarah dance is like the first 15 minutes of saving private ryan a pure massacre. if i was you molly i'd stay as far away from her as possible cause sarah cant even stay up on 2 feet let alone 1.
and ideas for what on how sarah can embarass herself even more then she already does? thats kind of hard cause she just seems to do it naturally.

also how dare you call me uncreative i have a very creative imagination it doesnt get used very much cause its normally focused on other things but when i use it right it does produce some good results.

hmm things starting with A used to describe sarah tough choice

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Guess what? Chiken gizzard. Alright, so Sarah and I have decided to make a video blog/website so that we can show Sarah's amazing talent- STUPIDITY! Yes, shocking I know..... I didn't know she could be stupid either and then I saw her do the one legged ballet hop thing that she described in her blog below...... AND THEN I saw her interpretive dancing (yes, that makes me giggle just thinking about it..) which changed my life forever, and I've decided to invest in a video camera, after all, we are doing a great dis-service to the rest of the miserable world by not showing them how insanely pitiful Sarah's dancing can be. So, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to shout them out.... and by anyone I mean ALL three of us who ever use this blog.....

The website will be:
But don't go there now because you'll be sent to my youtube page, which has nothing on it. Its just temporary!!!

Hello children

Okay, Joe? Where the hell did those names come from? I'm so totally impressed! I thought that post was from Lythande when I read it until I saw your name at the bottom. Way crazy. I loved the names though! I like the combination, Molly, by the way.

I do not have an obsession with Mike Meyers, thank you very much. It just came to my mind at the moment. I do that quiet a lot. Ask Molly. Random thoughts pass through my mind and then I either say them or act them out - as she knows with my soon-to-be-famous one foot hopping jumpy wannabe ballet(ish) move (the actual title of the move that I sort of impaired with my version starts with an "a", but I can't spell it). You'll soon find out what I mean. *sighz* Soooooo anyway.....

Molly, I am happy that you have a job and all so now you come to New Zealand with us, but dammit all - why does it have to be from noon to nine? Now I only ever get to see you in the weekends!!! Meanie. Oh, and I'm going to the movies with Maron again on Friday. Any tips? Anyone? Anyone?

Friday, June 29, 2007

thats a good name, remember how you drive cause Mr Yamata has his eye on you

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sanguinius Yamata

well, I really like Sanguinius, but I also like Mr. Yamata so I'll call him Sanguinius Yamata and Mr. Yamata. Yay!
So you named the yeti yet or you still need a name? you should call him orokusaki or sanguinius depends on how he looks like.

sarah whats with your obsession of mike myers saying molly i mean your really into it, its kind of scary actually you really drift into it and it takes over your mind. to be youthful and mindless i miss thoose days

Sunday, June 24, 2007

woot woot for my yeti

The yeti is awesome Sarah! Now I'm just trying to figure out what I want to call him... He definitely needs a name. He's sitting between the dashboard and the window. He says hi and that he wishes he could join but he has a fear of computers....

Friday, June 22, 2007

Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly

K, now all you have to do is imagine Austin Powers saying that in the kind of voice he used when he was saying "moley moley moley" in Gold Member, and it's all good.

Of course I'm a freak. We all know this.

And Victor, your comment is mostly correct. We girls do, yes, and no, nobody but the shrink people that nobody else understands understands it, but in that only to a certain extent. ^_^

*sighz* I can't wait to see you tomorrow Molly!! (okay, I have to admit that everytime I say your name, I want to do that whole Austin Powers thing - just saying "Molly" as opposed to "Moley". What a strange world we live in.)

Luv all ya lots!!

Oh, and somebody please tell me how to break up with Mat......^_^

Sarah is a FRRREEEAAAKKK!!!!!!!!!

Hehe just kiddig I wuv you!!!!! See you tomorrow!!! (Deep gutteral(what?) sigh...) Woe is me.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hey Vic...

So I noticed that you have a blog of your own with absolutely no posts whatsoever - and I'M NOT INVITED!!! What kind of crap is that? Fine. Whatever. I see how it is - Mr. I'm Not One For Blogs.
*heavy irritated sigh*

*deep gutteral growl*

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wasabi, my little cream tarts?

God's waiting room? If you say so. Personally, I had quite a blast. Sorry I didn't post at all like I said I would when I left. There just wasn't any time. We were rushed from one thing to the next. Ask Molly - she called me while I was there. Wacko.

Anyway, Molly is more of the badass. I'm the little idiot person who sits in the corner, sipping her tea with her knees pulled in tight so nobody trips over me. I just sip my tea and sit watching, all hunched over trying not to be noticed whilst Molly pommels the morons that used her middle name. *sighz* Apparantly, a lot more people like Texas than I realized....Oh well. It's all good.

So how are the lives - or the whatevers you guys have in place of the lives that you don't have - going? I hope things are just fruity behind your popsicle stands.

Oh, and a side note on the yaoi thing, of course they're lonely!!! Jeeze. Just 'cause they managed to find some other gay anime guy (which is not hard) doesn't mean that they aren't still lonely. I really don't know how that works...You'll have to ask Lythande. She made it work....

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Wow knitting and drinking herbal tea i bet you guys are the badasses of your school, not listening to anyone and playing by your own rules, real tough.

Yeah i'm sure its deep and touches you on the inside. i still cant see how two guys in a physical relationship depict sad and lonely i mean the fact that they found each other indicates that they aren't lonely especially if they understand each other.

Why are you going to Florida i mean it's loaded with old people it's like god's waiting room where all the old people are put before they die?

Monday, June 11, 2007


Shankoo Molly. Appreciate it Much. I am going to call you today while we're in town. I went through and read that other blog. It really was funny. Totally stupid, but that's to be expected from something that I started and you all took part in. I like it though!!! ^_^ Kisses to everyone!!! (I'm just in a weird modd. Deflect them if you want. I won't mind.)

Teehee!! I am totally going to FLORIDA tomorrow!! Woohoo! My mom'll have her laptop, so I can still talk to you guys and everything. Woop woop! *sighz* I gotta go. Talk to you all later!! Ciao

Saturday, June 9, 2007

right, well...

I have no idea how to invite you or something but the address is: When I signed up to access blogger through google, that old one came up. Gambatte!


Hey, um, Molly? I managed to delete that other blog that we had from New Zealand, so you should somehow get it back to me. That would be fantasmic. ^_^

Alreety Alrighty Alrooty (to quote Lythande)

I agree with Molly on the whole Yaoi thing. By the way, I do knit, thank you very much Miss Molly-whose-middle-name-I-won't-mention-for-fear-of-Texas Ryan. And I'll have you know that there is nothing offensive about it. Jeeze.

Herbal teas are wonderful. You should try them sometime Joe. Really, it might do you some good.

Well then, Victor, in response to your comment, I shall leave you alone. ^_^ But do keep commenting because I find it very amusing indeed.

LYTHANDE!! SIT DOWN ON YOUR ALREADY LAZY (but apparently not lazy enough) ASS AND POST, DAMN IT ALL!!!

I feel better.

So how's everybody doing?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Hey now....

I was waiting for someone to respond to the yaoi explaination..... hahahaha I watch it while I crochet (not knit... thats just offensive!) and sip my tea. Hahahaha NO! Its not like we watch it. We read it (or write it in Lythande's case) Its much deeper that simply porn. Its tragic angsty love stories between sad, lonely characters on a desperate search for love...... Or something like that. Lythande, you should post something short up here!
Why may i ask do you people like gay manga porn, dont you get disgusted or do you just enjoy it cause you are fulfilling your fantasies by imagining yourself that you are with those people cause i mean i understand japanese cartoons cant be them without sexual perversions but thats just what the fuck seriously what the fuck.

aww the two poor old ladies drink herbal teas to help with their arthritis and aching old bones? hows the knitting coming along

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Sarah, I still have the blog that you started when you went to New Zealand on here. I went back and read it.... It was really retarded.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hey Victor!!

Dude, you're driving me crazy. While all of your little comments do amuse me very much, why won't you post?

Yay for Molly!!!!

The blog is totally a thousand times better now that Molly is a part of it. Woot woot. It didn't sound that cultish, actually, and you should be glad that you are of use to me. Imagine what our friendship would be like if you weren't. It would just be terrible.


Earl Gray rocks my world. Go chomp your chamomile somewhere else. Or you could just chomp and chew it here, so long as I don't have to hear about it. ^_^

So how's everybody else doing? Not that any of the rest of you really post, save for Joe. You should start!! It really is a fun trend.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Right well... Molly's here now.

1st. Yaoi is good(this sounds a bit cultish)
2nd. This cup of Earl Grey tea is... well... nothing special. I must day, I do prefer Chamomile.
3rd. Im happy Sarah, that I can be such a good use to you. Speaking of which... WHAT IS IT THAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF TONIGHT!?!?!?!?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ugh ^_^

Life is just crazy. Fortunately, I have Molly and Molly has a car. We went to see Spider Man 3 last night with our friend Erin. It was really fun. The movie was pretty good. Molly said that she was expecting a lot less, and I agreed with her. It was definitely better than I thought it would be. I think it's a general consensus that Toby McGuire looks a hell of a lot better with black hair pulled down into his face and eyeliner on. Just a little bit more eyeliner, and he would have been absolutely gorgeous.

So how's life for everybody else around here?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


ha i jsut finished my exams and now my summer beginson saturday when i can go out and drink. so where is lythande if shes not in the middle of nowhere?

also you started driving yet or your parents still want to keep you locked away and thus are making you live in that socio forgotten place

Monday, May 21, 2007

Looka Here

Yaoi is pretty much gay anime. How's that? Feel better? Jeeze. ^_^

Lythande, child, you need to come and speak with us here in the blog. Or you could just come back to Colorado. That would work too. How are things all the way out there anyway?

School is almost out!! Woohoo!!! Three more days and then I am free to be enslaved by work and have heaps of money. Woot woot. I'm pretty excited about that. Yessiree.

For now though, cleaning and studying, cleaning and studying. I'm gonna go clean and study.
you cant do that, you cant just mention something then attempt to dismiss. it goes against all human need for knowledge and curiosity. i demand to know what it is or else i'll hold my breath for a really long time.

Boredom in Extravagance

Right, so as tech class is not that interesting and I think Lythande is sleeping so I can't chat with her in Yahoo!, I am just gonna write a random blog. I am really tired right now. Probably not as tired as Molly since she doesn't sleep anymore, but still tired. I don't know how your sleep pattern works Lythande or Joe, soI can't compare to you. Victor and Kayla, so far as I know, are like me - or worse. So it's all good.

Anyway, how are things in all ya alls spectrums across and over there? Mine is a pretty mellow bluish color.

Molly, here's a random question for you: How's that cup of Earl Gray Tea?

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Yaoi is something you don't want to know about. Trust me.

What the hell?

ok what the hell is yaoi or what ever that thing is? some new yank expression or something bloody hell learn english.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Yay!! Finally. Did you read the post I had for you at the bottom? Here's what it said:

Lythande: You should join so I get to talk to you more than NEVER.

I am so excited!!! My mom is letting me use her computer at home since I still don't have internet on mine, so I actually get to talk to you!!!

How's life?

Yaoi is good. always good. A girl at school has purse that says I (heart) Yaoi. I saw and started laughing and said. "Me too!!" She was amazed I even knew what it was. ^_^

To Joe:

Wow....that sounds like heaps of fun. I have my exams this week too. After this I have to go study some more else I will full out fail my exams. Not the classes, just the exams. Apart from that, not much goin' on. Life's not too exciting. ^_^



A blog.

I don't even update my own...



over here its been the usual really just borng stuff considering i've got ym exams i just been studying but i finish them next week then i start my summer so i cant wait for that.

what about you anything interesting happening over there or?

also sorry about the lack of enthusiasm but im hung over so my mind really isnt focused at this point

Friday, May 18, 2007


Yay!!! I am so happy you joined!!! Thank you very much for not deleting the invitation right away, that makes me all fuzzy inside. So how's life with you all the way over there?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

ok i got no clue what was going on just checking my email and now im here i have no idea what caused me to open up that email cause normally invitations get deleted but somehow im here and theres a sort of blank so........

Yay Victor!!

Hey babe! I love ya dude! So happy you joined ^_^

Hey there, babe!!

Alright, so I got one more person!! Anybody who wants to join can, so if I haven't already invited somebody - by all means, somebody else send them an ivitation. Or send me the e-mail if you can't. ^_^ All goodiness. Ciao Ciao

Thursday, April 5, 2007

I have arrived!!!

Okay, you now get to meet me! I'm Fluffy, Stilts' best friend. Just hangin' in Burkhard's at lunch right now, and I am so freakin' tired!!!!! I want to go home and go to bed, but I have to stay after school to finish choreographing Cell Block Tango. I want to sleep!!!! Okay, now that I'm done whining, we need more people in this blog!!! Buh Bye!

Tech Class

Extraordinarily bored right now. I have nothing to do and I just finished a little flash movie that's supposed to have a moral.

Wow. I am totally the most boring person in this room. Booyah!!!

Anyway, really, this was just a time killer.

MOLLY!!! Please don't be mad at me!! I did call after all!!

LYTHANDE!!! You had so better join this and talk to me more than NEVER.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Okay, hello all of you that decided to join me! I hope you all find me interesting enough to continue to communicate with me here! So start talking about something!